We are delighted to invite you to join us in Hong Kong for the 2013 AAPS@China Symposium. The symposium will be held on 17-18 August, 2013 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The theme of the symposium is “Mapping the next generation of pharmaceutical research ― uniting great minds in the Greater China Area”. Co-organized by the AAPS–CUHK Student Chapter and The School of Pharmacy, CUHK, the symposium aims to inspire research interest and strengthen professional bonds, presenting an invaluable opportunity for delegates to network with future pharmaceutical scientists from the Greater China Area. Our target audiences include professors, graduate students and pharmaceutical scientists from Hong Kong, mainland China, Macau and Taiwan.
It is our honor to have Dr. Marilyn Morris as our guest of honor. Dr. Morris is professor of pharma ceutical sciences, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and associate dean in the graduate school, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. She is a fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) and serves as 2013 AAPS president-elect.
Dr. Morris’s research focuses on the influence of drug transporters on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. She is the author of over 160 scientific papers and serves on various grant review and advisory panels. Dr. Morris, is an Associate Editor for The AAPS Journal, is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Research and Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition, and is an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow.
- To strengthen interaction with students from pharmacy schools in the Greater China Area.
- To promote professional and scientific interactions between graduate students and experts from universities, research institutes and industries with an aim to increase awareness of the state-of-art and latest developments in pharmaceutical research
- To increase student involvement in AAPS activities and help other pharmacy schools to launch their student chapters so that they can further propagate the goal of creating awareness about the AAPS activities and other developments in pharmaceutical sector on a larger scale.
Who should attend
Research scientists, faculty members and graduate students engaged in pharmaceutical science research in the Greater China Area
Prizes for the Podium Presentation Awards and Poster Presentation Awards
The winners will be awarded cash prize & a certificate.
Important Dates
Call for abstracts submission deadline: Jun 16, 2013
Early bird registration closes on Aug 1, 2013
2013 AAPS @China Symposium: Aug 17-18, 2013
Please click here for details of submission