Brief Biography
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Biography of Professor Albert Lee
MB BS (Med.Deg-London), LLB (Hons-London), MPH DMed (NUI), MD (Higher Med Doctoral Deg-CUHK), LLMArbDR (Distinct-CityUHK), DCH (Ireland), FRCP (London & Ireland), FCIArb (UK), HonFFPH (UK), FRACGP (Aust), FHKAM(FamMed), FACLM(Aus), FCLM(US), GDLP (Aus.Coll.Law), FACHSM (Aus), Accredited Mediator (CEDR, UK)
Practising clinician, educational innovator and research leader in Family Medicine, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Asia. Dr. Lee has particular focus on promotion of child and adolescent health through school settings linking to community and primary health care. He has contributed models of care for school health, applicable internationally.” This was the citation of Professor Albert Lee used by his proposer for his election as international member of National Acadmey of Medicince (NAM previously known as Institute of Medicine), USA in 2012. Election to the NAM is considered one of the highest honours in the fields of health and medicine. He served as member of NAM Forum on ‘Investing in Children globally’ (iYCG) during the period 2013 to 2016 to develop an integrated approach for child development and co-chair the Hong Kong workshop of iYCG in 2015.
Albert is duly qualified as doctor (registered in UK, Australia (NSW) and Hong Kong) and lawyer (admitted in Australia (NSW), New Zealand (Barrister and Solicitor), Hong Kong as registered foreign lawyer) awarded Medical Degree (MB BS-UCL-Middlesex Hospital) and Law Degree (LLB Hons) from University of London in 1984 and 2015 respectively. He was awarded higher academic and/or professional qualifications in Family Medicine, Public Health, Law, Legal Medicine, Healthcare Management and Education including higher research doctorate degree in Medicine (MD) and also MPH from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK); Doctor of Medicine from National University of Ireland (DMed- highest doctorate and highest qualification conferred by NUI awarded to scholars who have over a sustained period, published a substantial body of groundbreaking and influential work in a field of specialisation and have achieved outstanding distinction internationally in that field); Fellow of Royal College of Physicians (London and Ireland), UK Faculty of Public Health (Fellow in 2004 and Honorary Fellow in 2018), Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners, Chartered Institute of Chartered Arbitrators, Australasian and American Colleges of Legal Medicine, Australasian College of Health Services Management; Accredited Mediator (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, UK), Master of Research and Professional Study in Education by Bristol University, Master of Law in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM) with distinction from City University of Hong Kong. Albert was awarded Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice with higher distinction and distinction in core and elective subjects.
He is now Emeritus Professor of JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and Founding Director of the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, CUHK after retiring from full time Clinical Professorship in August 2022. He continues to serve as clinical professional consultant for clinical teaching. He also serves as Honorary/Adjunct Professor, external examiner/assessor at many leading academic institutions in HK and overseas for PhD, professorial advancement and professional qualifying examination. He has served as external examiner for Master of Family in Malaysia (Exit examination for specialist in Family Medicine) since 2009. He has served as examiner for Conjoint Fellowship examination of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Hong Kong College of Family Physicians since 1996. He is appointed as Senior Research Fellow of Centre for Medical Ethics and Law and Honorary Professor of Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of University of Hong Kong (HKU), Adjunct Professor of International Centre for Future Health System of University of New South Wales, Australia and Department of Rehabilitation Science of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
He is now also serving as medico-legal consultant conducting seminars and workshops on medico-legal issues, risk management in healthcare setting, medical dispute resolutions, writing for expert witness testimonials, healthcare ethics. He is responsible for healthcare ethics and law teaching for medical students, and Master programmes in Law and Healthcare Management. He taught Graduate Diploma/MA in Law on Tort for University of Law UK (HK cohort) during the academic year of 2023-24, and Master in Healthcare Management of University of Worcester, UK (HK cohort) since 2022. He has written over 50 expert witness reports instructed by Hospital Authority, Medical Council of Hong Kong, Legal Aids, lawyers for defendant doctors and plaintiff.
Albert’s research fields are community-based care development and health equity, public health and health promotion, medico-legal and conflict resolution, healthcare law and ethics. He is one of the key pioneers of ‘healthy setting approach’ globally tackling the boarder determinants of health with multi-sectoral approach by advocacy and empowerment, re-orientation of health services to address health inequity and rights to health, and building supportive environment. He has published over 270 papers in peer-reviewed journals and over 200 conference/seminar papers. He is editor of four books in primary health care, one book on “Healthy Setting Approach” and one book on “Healthcare Law and Ethics: Principles & Concept” with inputs from three King’s Counsels as first authors for four chapters together with renowned medico-legal scholars in medicine and law. He is currently co-editing second series on “Healthcare Law and Ethics: Nurses and Allied Health Professionals”
Contributions in equitable health development are also recognised by appointment as WHO advisor, election as Honorary Fellow of UK Faculty of Public Health (the highest accolade of the Faculty), and Award for Pioneer in Healthy Cities Research by Alliance for Healthy Cites (AFHC) in 2014. He received Jonathan Davies Award (2nd Place) for his presentation of World Congress in Medical Law in 2022 on “Equitable Access to Mental Health for Children and Adolescents in Post-COVID Era”. He received President Award during the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting of American College of Legal Medicine for contribution to office of the President.
Albert is Vice President and Governor of World Association for Medical Law and was appointed as Editor in-Chief of Journal Medicine and Law (official journal) in November 2024, and editor of 2018 March Issue on “Better Education and Training to prevent Medical Mishap”. He serves on Education Committee of Australasian College of Legal Medicine.
Updated on 1 March 2025
Academic qualifications
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B., B.S. Qualifying Medical Doctor degree in UK), University College London- Middlesex Hospital, University of London, Oct 1979 to Jul, 1984 With-:
Certificate of Merit In Final MB Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1984.
2nd Frank Scott Prize 1980 (Most Promising 1st Year Student)
2nd Sidney Kaye Prize In Physiology, 1981.
3rd Charlotte Dixon Prize In Neurology, 1981.
Certificate of Merit in Pharmacology 1981, Anatomy 1981, Biochemistry 1980.
Diploma in Child Health (DCH), Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians, Ireland. Sept, 1986 (Refresher course in Aug 1986).
Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP), 1993
Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Family Physician (FHKCFP), (HKCFP previously known as Hong Kong College of General Practitioners), 1993
Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Family Medicine), FHKAM(FamMed),1997
CUHK, Master of Public Health (MPH), Jan 1996 to Dec 1997 degree conferred in 1998
CUHK, Doctor of Medicine (Higher medical doctorate research degree), registered in 2001 and degree conferred in December, 2004 (Higher medical doctorate research degree), dissertation on Analysis of Level and Reasons of Utilization of Accident and Emergency services by primary patients
National University of Ireland, D.Med (Doctor of Medicine) awarded in 2023 and conferred in 2024, highest doctorate and highest qualification conferred by the University awarded to scholars who have over a sustained period, published a substantial body of groundbreaking and influential work in a field of specialisation and have achieved outstanding distinction internationally in that field- series of publications to illuminate “Child and Adolescent Public Health: Health Promoting School as ecological model for effective public health intervention”.
University of Bristol, United Kingdom, Doctor of Education (EdD) part-time from September, 2000 (Completed all the 8 required modules of taught course: Education Organization and Management, Educational Research, Management of Change, Professionalism, Education Policy and Administration, Human Resource Management, 2 units of Data Entry and Analysis, and additional unit of Comparative Education) Awarded Master of Research and Professional Study in Education in June 2011
Bachelor of Law (LLB) Honours Degree (Hons) (Graduate entry route) awarded by Law School of University of London, 2015
Master of Law (LLM) in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution with Distinction, City University of Hong Kong (completed in Dec 2016).
Practical Legal Training (Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice), Australian College of Law, March to September 2020.
Lawyers’ skills (Induction), Ethics and Professional Responsibilities (High distinction), Civil Litigation (Higher Distinction), Property Practice (Higher Distinction), Commercial and Contract Practice (Distinction), Administrative Law Practice (Distinction), Consumer Law Practice (Higher Distinction), Lawyers Skills
Other Professional qualifications:
Accredited Mediator, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, UK, March 2019
Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK (FCIArb) 2017
Fellow of Australian College of Legal Medicine Oct 2018
Fellow of American College of Legal Medicine Jan 2018
Fellow of Australasian College of Health Services Management Oct 2024
Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of Royal College of Physicians (FFPH), March 2005, United Kingdom by distinction and conferred Honorary Fellow in 2018
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) by distinction, Ireland June 2005 and London May 2013
Fellow of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Family Medicine), 1997
Fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioner, Nov 1993
Honours and Awards
-Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of Royal College of Physicians, UK (Hon.FFPH, the highest accolade of the Faculty)
-International Member (Academician) of National Academy of Science (previously Institute of Medicine), USA elected 2012 which is considered one of the highest honours in the fields of health and medicine and Albert is the first foreign associate elected from Hong Kong.
-10th Anniversary Award of Health and Medical Research Fund of Hong Kong SAR Government on "Community Development Approach to create better health of our young generation within the settings of their daily life" 2021
-Award for Pioneer in Healthy Cities for Research by Alliance for Healthy Cites (AFHC) in 2014
-2004 Honours List of Hong Kong Government of Special Administrative Region (HKSAR): Awarded Chief Executive Commendation for Community Services
-Best Practice Tip workshop for Interns 2002-03, 1998-99.
-“Most Outstanding Capacity Building Award” in recognition of funded Health Promotion projects in advancing health promotion by Food and Health Bureau (de facto Ministry of Health for Hong Kong), Hong Kong SAR Government, awarded on 18 Nov 2011.
-Emeritus Professor of JC School of Public Health and Primary Care (formerly known as Department of Community and Family Medicine) since 1 August 2022, Professor (Clinical) Aug 1, 2003 to 31 July 2022, (Associate Professor II from Aug 1, 1995 to Jul 31, 2002 and Associate Professor I from Aug 1, 2002 to Jul 2003).
-Founding Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion since Aug 1, 2000
Other institutions
-Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, HKU from Feb 2024
Continuing professional development for doctors and lawyers in healthcare law and ethics, publications in medical law
-Honorary Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, HKU 2023
-Adjunct Professor, International Centre for Future Health System, University of New South Wales, Australia, Oct 2024
-Consultant in Family Medicine (since 1999 Kwong Wah Hospital Family Medicine Centre and since 2012 New Territory East Cluster), and Consultant i/c of Lek Yuen Health Centre-Family Medicine Training Centre 2003-2008 (concurrent clinical appointment with Hospital Authority- statutory organization funded by the Government to provide health care in public sector. Both Centres have over 500 patients attending daily)
-Adjunct Professor of Department of Rehabilitation Science, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2007-16, 2021-)
Public policy research “Profiling Older Population’s Risks in the Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po Neighbourhood”
Inter-disciplinary Child and Adolescent Health and Development postgraduate programme to enhance the professionalism of school health practitioners; publication of textbook on community health care
-Honorary Professor of Faculty of Education of University of Hong Kong (Aug 2011-Feb 2020)
Joint PhD supervision of student on Health Literacy research
-Visiting Professor, Centre for Health Research, Faculty of Health and Social Science, University of Brighton, UK 1 Nov 2010 to 31 Oct 2016
Postgraduate seminars in global health, impact of urbanisation on heath, comparative studies of healthy city development in UK, Hong Kong and Korea
-Adjunct Professor of Applied Health Science, Indiana University, USA (2009-2015)
Author of special issue of Health Education Monograph Series cross cultural study on youth risk behaviours
-Adjunct Professor, Centre for Environmental and Population Health of Griffiths University, Australia (2007-)
International workshops on Healthy Setting in 2008, 2009 and 2010 with inputs from scholars in Germany and Austria; series of journal papers on healthy setting approach for health improvement
-Visiting Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University Sains Malaysia, 2014
Research workshop for Faculty and Training workshops for residents
-Visiting Lecturer, University of Law, UK (HK Campus) from 2022-24
-Visiting Lecturer, Master of Healthcare Management, University of Worcester from September, from
-External Examiner for Master of Family Medicine (Exit specialist examination for Family Physicians), Malaysia in 2009, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2022
-Examiner for Conjoint Fellowship Examination of Hong Kong College of General Practitioners and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners since 1995
-WHO Consultant and Temporary Advisor for health promotion, school health and healthy cities from time to time since 2003
-External Examiner for PhD for different institutions
Current and recent professional and community services
-Vice President (from 2024) and Governor (from 2023) of World Association for Medical Law (WAML) and was appointed as Editor in-Chief of Journal Medicine and Law (official journal of WAML) in Nov 2024
-Member of Education Committee, Australasian College of Legal Medicine from May 2022
-Chairman of Research Ethics Committee, Hong Kong Doctors’ Union from 2015
-Member of Executive Committee and Co-chair of Rehabilitation Committee, Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation since Nov 2021
-Chair of Organising Committee of Chronic Care Conference in 2010, Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR), 60th Anniversary Symposium of HKSR in 2019 on the theme: ‘New Perspectives on Holistic Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion towards 2030’, and 30th Anniversary Conference of Community Rehabilitation Network of HKSR cum 65th Anniversary of HKSR in January 2025 on the theme: ‘Synergising Rehabilitation and Primary Healthcare for Quality Community Living and Sustainable.’
-Chaired the Scientific Committee of AFHC Global Conference in 2014,
-Co-chair of District Health Centre Executive Committee of Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association (KTSCHC), the first DHC commissioned by Hong Kong SAR Government in 2019 according to 2017 Policy Speech to strengthen primary health care. Albert prepared and submitted the proposal on behalf of KTSCHCA, and planning the development as Board Director until December 2019.
-Specialist in Medicine and Health Science of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
30 selected publications related to Legal Medicine, Health Equity and Public Health (over 270 publications in peer review journal) (full list)

* corresponding author, # Principal Investigator until 1 Aug 2022

1. Lee A. Book Review of “Luk SCY (2020) Ageing, Long-term Care Insurance and Healthcare Finance in Asia”. Public Administration and Policy 2025.
2. Kidd RM*, Lee A*. Integration of rehabilitation and primary healthcare: Global Perspectives. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2025, forthcoming
3. Lee A, Anawis M, Beran R, Cheung T, HO C, Kim H. Clinical Errors and Mistakes: Civil or criminal liability? HKMJ 2025, 31(1) 9–11.
4. Lee A, Tong KW, Chiu BCF, Wong W. Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine: Some Food of Thought on Clinical Liability. HKMJ 2024; 30(4):268–70.
5. Lee A. Fraud in Health Care. Medicine and Law 2024, 43(3): 281-302.
6. Lee A. Aggravated Damage for Medical Negligence. Medicine and Law 2024 March Special Issue 43 (1): 33-48.
7. Huang J, Keung VMW, Cheung CKM, Lo ASC, Chan SC, Wong YY, Mui LWH, Lee A#, Wong MCS. Prevalence and associated factors of overweight in Chinese adolescents: a cross-sectional study. Health Sci Rep. 2024; 7:e2237. doi:10.1002/hsr2.2237
8. Lee A, Tvaronavičienė A. Resolving Medical Disputes More Efficiently by ADR. Medicine and Law 2024; 43(2): 215-232.
9. Eman Leung*, Albert Lee*, Yilin Liu, Chi-Tim Hung, Ning Fan, Sam Ching, Hillary Yee, Yinan He, Richard Xu, Hector Wing Hong Tsang, Jingjing Guan. Impact of environment on pain among the working poor: Making use of random forest-based stratification tool to study the socioecology of pain interference. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024 21, 179.
10. Yau STY, Leung E, Wong MCS, Hung CT, Chong KC, Lee A, Yeoh EK. Metabolic dysfunction-associated profiles and subsequent site-specific risk of obesity-related cancers among Chinese patients with diabetes: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2024;14(4):e082414. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082414
11. Huang J, Keung VMW, Cheung CKM, Lo ASC, Chan SC, Pang WS, Mui LWH, Lee A#, Wong MCS. Factors associated with mental health among Hong Kong children: A population-based study of 4884 individuals. Child Care Health Dev. 2024; 50(1):e13196. doi: 10.1111/cch.13196
12. Lee A, Cheung T. The need for good practice guidelines for expert witnesses. Hong Kong Med J 2023;29 (6):487–8 | Epub 7
13. Kim H, Lee A.. How patient autonomy drives the legal liabilities of medical practitioners and the practical ways to mitigate and resolve them. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2023 Mar 31; 99(1168):83-88. doi: 10.1093/postmj/qgad003
14. Huang, J., Cheung, C.K., Chan, S.C., Pang, W.S., Chow, S.H., Li, Q.H., Lo, A.S., Keung, V.M., Mui, L.W., Lee, A#. and Wong, M.C. Factors associated with physical inactivity among the pre-school children: A cohort of 1681 participants. J Paediatr Child Health 2023, 11, 535.
15. CY Ho, Lee A.* Cultivating a Healthy Living Environment for Adolescents in Post-COVID Era in Hong Kong: Exploring Youth Health Needs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19, 7072.
16. Kwok WS, Lee A.* Review of living organ donation policy in Hong Kong: What the minimum age for living donors should be? Medicine and Law 2022; 41(2): 257-274
17. Lee A, Nakamura K. Engaging diverse community groups to promote population health through Healthy City approach: Analysis of successful cases in Western Pacific Region. Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021; 18, 6617.
18. Lee A., Lo ASC, Li Q., Keung MW, Kwong CM. Health Promoting School: An Update. J Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2020; Apr 15 : 1–19.
19. Lee A. Health and Justice: Value of Rehabilitation and Scope of Liability of Rehabilitation. US China Law Review 2020; 17(5): 189-202
20. Lee A. Public health action against COVID-19 to protect our rights to health. Medicine and Law 2020; 39(2): 205-222.
21. Lee A. General practitioners as frontiers in COVID-19: Hong Kong experience. Aust J Gen Pract 2020; 49 Suppl XX. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-COVID-15 [ePub ahead of print]
22. Kam KM, Chan E, Lee A, Wei VWI, Kwok KO, Lui D, Yuen RKN. Fifteen years after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak: what's happening in Hong Kong? Nursing Ethics 2020;
23. Lee A., Lo ASC, Keung MW, Kwong CM, Wong KK. Effective Health Promoting School for better health of children and adolescents: Indicators for success. BMC Public Health 2019; 19:1088
24. Siu JSM, Lee A, Chan PKS. Schoolteachers’ experiences of implementing school-based vaccination programs against human papillomavirus in a Chinese community: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health 2019, 9:1514
25. Lo K., Keung V, Cheung C, Tam WWS., Lee A. Associations between sleep pattern and quality and cardiovascular risk factors among Macao school students. Childhood Obesity 2019; 15(6): 387-396
26. Keung V, Lo K, Cheung C, Tam W, Lee A. Changes in dietary habits and prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among school students in Macao, China. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 2019; 13(6): 541-547.
27. Yuen W., Lee A.*, Chan PKS, Tran L, Sayko E. Uptake of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Hong Kong: Facilitators and barriers among adolescent girls and their parents. PLOS One 2018; 13(3): e0194159
28. Lee A. Alternate Dispute Resolution for Medical Disputes. Hong Kong Law Journal 2018; 48 (1): 23-36.
29. Lee A. ‘Bolam’ to ‘Montgomery’ is result of evolutionary change of medical practice towards ‘patient-centred care’. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2017; 93:46–50. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2016-134236
30. Lee A., Cheung CK, Lo K, Keung VMW, Mui LWH, Tam WWS. Studying Impact of Nutrition on Growth (SING): a prospective cohort for comparing the health outcomes of young children with the dietary quality score. BMJ Open 2017; 7 e018380. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2017-018380
Books (Editor)
1. BYF Fong, VTS Law, & A. Lee. (Eds).   Handbook of Primary Care: Cases of Hong Kong. Singapore: Springer, 2025.
2. Chiu JSP, Lee A, Tong KW(Eds). Healthcare Law and Ethics: Principles & Practice. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2023.
3. Lee A (ed). Healthy Setting Approach in Hong Kong: Sustainable Development in Population Health. City University of Hong Kong Press, 2021.
4. B.Y.F. Fong, V. Law, & A. Lee. (Eds). Primary Care Revisited for the New Era: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Singapore: Springer, 2020.
5. Yang BF, Lee A, Zhu SZ (Eds). Handbook for Primary Care Practitioners: MIMS Primary Care Clinic Series. CMP Medica Pacific Ltd, 2009. (Chinese)
6. Wong WCW, Lee A., Lindsay M (Editors). Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care: A Practical Approach. The Chinese University Press, 2008.
7. In Lee A (eds). Health Promoting Schools in Hong Kong: Experience Sharing. (Chinese), Hong Kong. The Chinese University Press and Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Consultancy report (2024)
1. Lee A., Leung E, Cheng SWC, Lee DTF, Chiu SWK, Chow CB, Tang HWH. Profiling the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention Needs of the Populations of Older Adults and Young-olds in Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po to Optimize the Operation at District Health Centers: Data-driven Service Model and Policy Design. S2019.A4.015.19S, 2024.
2. Lee A. Sustainable Healthcare system based on Primary Healthcare. In: Fung, A. Y. H., & Fong, B. Y. F. (Eds.). (2024). Building a sustainable healthcare system for Hong Kong. Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. pdf

Recent Invited Conference/seminar/public papers related to Legal Medicine, Health Equity and Primary Care (Over 200 invited presentations)

1. Lee A. Withdrawal of Care and End-of-Life Discussions: Navigating Medical, Legal, Ethical and Communication Challenges in End-of-Life Care. Jurong Community Hospital, Ministry of Health, Singapore, 19 Feb 2025.
2. Lee A. Identifying and Overcoming Access Barriers: Strategies for marginalized communities. Seminar on Ensuring Equitable and Universal Access to Primary Healthcare Services. Organised by CPCE and SPEED, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; TRC DMH of TUNG WAH College 15 February 2025
3. Lee A. International Experience of Primary Healthcare Development: Way forward for Hong Kong. Plenary paper Linking Rehabilitation with Primary Healthcare. A New Paradigm. 30th Anniversary of Community Rehabilitation Network (CRN) of Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR) cum 65th Anniversary of HKSR Conference. 17-18 January 2025 Organised by HKSR-CRN and Co-organised by Faculty of Social Science, University of Hong Kong
4. Lee A. Expert Evidence is key opinion to Court and Tribunal to uphold justice and fairness. Australasian College of Legal Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting “Expert Evidence and Law” 7-8 September 2024, Queenstown, New Zealand.
5. Lee A. “Aging and Contemporary Health Issues”. Human Rights and Gender Forum. Organised by Law Faculty of Universitas International Batam, Indonesia, 28 September, 2024
6. Lee A. Sharing Practical Experiences of Healthy Cities - Example from Hong Kong and Asian Healthy Places. 2024 Taipei Healthy City Conference, 29 August 2024. Taiwan Healthy City Association.
7. Lee A. Fraud in Healthcare. Pre-conference special lecture of World Congress for Medial Law, Batam Island, Indonesia, 20-23 July, 2024.
8. Lee A. “Some Food for Thought about Medical Negligence”. Keynote for International Conference for Health Law: Medical Liability in Hospital, whose responsibility. Military Law College, Indonesia, 21st April, 2024.
9. Lee A. Open Disclosure and Duty of Candour: Are we saying too little or too much. 64th Annal Conference of American College of Legal Medicine, 1-3 March 2024, San Diego, USA.
10. Lee A. Healthy City Movement for Sustainable Urban Movement A Two Part International Series Planning Healthy City Seminar, Organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners 27 February 2024
11. Lee A. “What are the different ways of resolving medical disputes?” Workshop for IHH Healthcare. 26 October 2023, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore.
12. Lee A. Healthcare Risk Landscape: Effective prevention by Patient-centred Care. 2023 Malaysian Medical Association Annual Conference, Kota Kinabulu, Malaysis 6-7 September 2023.
13. Lee A., Tvaronavičienė A. Arbitration to resolve Healthcare Disputes and Conflicts. Forum Discussion 27th World Congress for Medical Law 2 August 2023. Organised by World Association for Medical Law and Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), Vilnius, Lithuania, 2-4 Aug 2023
14. Lee A. Sustainable Healthcare system based on Primary Healthcare. Building a Sustainable Healthcare System. Forum. Organised by Hong Kong Institute Asia Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Co-organised by Centre for Ageing and Healthcare Management Research, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU), Hong Kong College of Community Health Practitioners, Policy Research@HKIAPA, CUHK, July 2023.
15. Lee A. Gross Negligence Manslaughter- Impact on Medical Practice in future with case-case review. Seminar for Department of Family Medicine, Kowloon Central Cluster, Hong Kong. 10 May 2023
16. Lee A. Duty of Care for Nurse. Understanding Duty of Care from Medico-legal perspective to prevent Negligence Liability in Nursing. Hong Kong Nursing Association, 9 May 2023.
17. Lee A. Use of AI in Healthcare Industry. Panel discussion: How AI Transform Healthcare Industry in Hong Kong, 9 May 2023. Polytechnic University Inter-disciplinary Research Conference, Hong Kong 8-10 May 2023
18. Lee A. The future of family medicine /general practice, can humanity and administrative hurdles coexist to help our patients? Thoughts after nearly 40 years of GP/Academic practice. Hong Kong College of Family Physicians Seminar 1 April 2023.
19. Lee A. Rights to have good start in life by setting-based approach to address the legal determinants of health. Annual Scientific Meeting of American College of Legal Medicine, 24-26 February, 2023, Orlando, Florida, USA.
20. Lee A. Physical activity, exercise and nutritional support of children in the post-COVID era. Hot talks in Paediatric and Child Health. Hong Kong Paediatric Society. 13 February 2023
21. Lee A. The Healthy Setting Approach in Hong Kong: Sustainable Development for Population Health. Seminar for launching the Chinese version. Taiwan Healthy Cities Alliance and Taipei Healthy City Association, 9 Feb 2023
22. Lee A. The Past, Present, Future and Core Strategies of Health Cities in the Western-Pacific Region. World Congress of the World Local Government Federation UCLG 11 Oct 2022 Korea
23. Lee A. Mediation for Healthcare Disputes: Turning impossible to become possible. Medical Mediation Seminar: Healing beyond the body & mind: Use of Mediation in Medical Disputes Mediation Week 2022 Mediate First: Harmony from Now to Beyond. Department of Justice, Hong Kong SAR Government, 4 May 2022.
24. Lee A. Book seminar: The Healthy Setting Approach in Hong Kong: Sustainable Development for Population Health. World Conference of International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Montreal, Canada (Virtual), 18 May 2022.
25. Lee A. Book seminar: Primary Care Revisited; Inter-disciplinary Approach for new era. World Conference of International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Montreal, Canada (Virtual), 19 May 2022.
26. Lee A. Community Development Approach to create better health of our young generation within the settings of their daily life. Food and Health Bureau of Hong Kong SAR Government Journal Club seminar, 21 March 2022.
27. Lee A. Alternative Dispute Resolution for Medical Mishaps: Role of Arbitration. Annual Review of Hong Kong Health Law in 2021 webinar. Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, University of Hong Kong, 23 Feb 2022.
28. Lee A. Health in Equity: Quality Primary Health Care to optimize Patient-centered care. 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting of American College of Legal Medicine, 26 February to 28 Feb 2022 online from USA.
29. Cheung T and Lee A. Expert’s roles, duties, commitments and expectations. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Training Course for Expert Witness. Organised by Professionalism & Ethics Committee, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and supported by Medical Protection Society and Centre for Medical Ethics and Law of University of Hong Kong. April, 2022
30. Wong D and Lee A. Professional Misconduct: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Training Course for Expert Witness. Organised by Professionalism & Ethics Committee, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and supported by Medical Protection Society and Centre for Medical Ethics and Law of University of Hong Kong. April, 2022