Lai Pan-chiu received his B.A. (Religious Studies, 1985) and M.Div. (Theology, 1987) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. from King’s College London (Systematic Theology, 1991).

He had served as pastor to the Rhenish Church (U.K.) and taught at Middlesex University (U.K.), before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong as Assistant Professor in 1996. Since then, he served as Department Chairperson (2002-2008), Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts (2004-2018), Interim Dean of Arts (2019-2019), Founding Director of the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism (2005-2008), Founding Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies (2005- 2008), and Founding Director of the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (2015-2016).

He is now Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies; and, Director, Centre for the Study of Religious Ethics and Chinese Culture, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

His research interests include Inter-religious Dialogue, Modern Christian Thought, Chinese Christian theology, Philosophy of Religion, Environmental Ethics, and Religion & Science. He published over 200 items in these areas and successfully supervised about 40 Ph.D. theses on related topics.

ORCiD: 0000-0003-1695-651X