
The Centre has manikins / simulators to help students to practice their clinical skills from basic to advance level. All the learning aides can be independently on loan to any interested parties ( both academic staff and students ) for teaching and practice purposes. To borrow the teaching aides, you will need to go through the Learning Aides List ( arranged in alphabetical order) to check the type of manikin and its function. Then email your request to the Centre: cslc@cuhk.edu.hk. Please specify your personal particulars, on-loan date and time, group size, responsible person and contact number and the date to return. All the information provided will be kept confidential. For students, you will need to specify any formal lecture taken on the related subject for the Centre to judge provision of supervisor.
Image 01 Anatomy
Model For Anatomy Training Function
Ear Examination Trainer A simulator for otoscopy
Eye Examination Trainer A simulator for ophthalmoscoy
Mentone eye model Eye and orbit anatomy
Skeleton, female Full size skeleton
Skeleton, male Full size skeleton
Image 02Cardiovascular
Model For Cardiovascular Training Function
Arterial Puncture Arm Simulator Simulating radial & brachial arterial puncture
Auscultation Trainer & Smartscope Practising heart and lung auscultation
Blood pressure simulator Simulating blood pressure measurement, including auscultatory gap and palpable pulse
Central Venous Cannulation Simulator Simulating central venous puncture and monitoring
Infusion Injection Arm Trainer Simulating venous blood sampling & cannulation
Image 03Obstetric & Gynaecology
Model For Obstetric & Gynaecology Training Function
Abdominal Palpation Model Simulating abdominal palpation of fetal parts
Pelvic Trainer Clinical Female Simulating pelvic & bi-valve vaginal examination
Pelvic Trainer Surgical Female Similar to Pelvic Trainer Clinical Female
Image 03Orthopaedic
Model For Orthopaedic Training Function
Elbow Trainer Simulating elbow examination including tennis & golfer's elbow
Hand / Wrist Trainer Simulating wrist injection techniques for carpal tunel syndrome, trigger finger, deQuervain's tenosynovitis, 1st carpo-metacapal joint
Artificial bones Practising joint movement including shoulder, elbow and hip joints
Image 03Resuscitation
Model For Resuscitation Training Function
Defibrillator (Code Master) Practising defibrillation
Heartstart FR / Lifepak AED Trainer Practising automatic external defibrillation (AED)
Resusci Airway Management Trainer 2 Simulating airway management
Resusci ALS Baby Trainer Simulating advanced cardiovascular life support in infant
Resusci Ambu Man Simulating basic life support in adult
Resusci Baby Simulating basic life support in infant
Resusci Junior Simulating basic life support in children
Resusci Mega Code Trainer Simulating adult advanced cardiovascular life support
Resuscitator Adult Practising manual ventilation
Image 03Surgical
Model For Surgical Training Function
Breast, Strap On Practising breast examination, including self examination
Catheterisation Simulator Male Practising catheterization of the urinary bladder in a male patient
Lumber puncture simulator Simulating lumber puncture
Pelvic Trainer Clinical Male Practising testicular examination, rectal examination and proctoscopy
Prostate examination simulator Practising full rectal examination in a male patient
Image 03Instrument / Accessory
Instruments / Accessories Function
Ophthalmoscope and otoscope Practising ear & eye examination, wall-mounted in each consultation room
Eye Cover Assisting eye examination
Weighing scale Practising body weight and height measurement
Reflex Hammer Practising neurological examination
Sphygmomanometer Practising blood pressure measurement with mercury, digital or anaeroid device
Stethoscope Practising auscultation
Thermometer, digital Practising body temperature measurement
Tuning fork Practising neurological examination
Goniometer Practising joint angle measurement