
The eLS@CU is now openly inviting CUHK teachers to share their experiences with their colleagues in the “Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2009”. We have designed an interactive Expo event to facilitate conversation and sharing.

We are now in the third year runoff running a teaching and learning Expo at the University. This year, rather than limiting ourselves to innovations that involve the web technology only, we would like to extend the concept of teaching and learning innovations to all ideas and practices that lead to learning enhancement in a course, a programme or across the university as a whole, regardless whether technology is involved or not.

The Expo is composed of four main parts:

  • Opening, international online conversation, keynote address with response. (2 hours), followed by
  • Talks organized in parallel sessions (25-minute slots starting 11:30 am to 3:25 pm). The talks include information talks on defined themes and formal presentations by teachers on their work. There are two main themes:
    • Enhancement of teaching and learning through innovative curriculum and learning designs (e.g. OBA roadmaps, innovations in coping with 3+3+4 curriculum, and innovative teaching strategies)
    • Enhancement of teaching and learning through innovative uses of eLearning strategies
  • An assembly of poster presentations (12:30 pm – 2:00 pm) where we hope our participants enjoy a light lunch as they learn about new ideas and discuss with colleagues.
  • The posters will be kept in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus where they will stay for a poster exhibition for a week from 24 October to 30 October.
The eLearning Service@CU (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/eLearning/) is a joint project of ITSC and CLEAR.
Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC) Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)