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Centre for Chinese Family Studies Centre for Urban Innovations Centre for
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Dai, Haijing* and Gaoming Ma. 2024. “The Broken Link: Learning Habitus of Rural Students in County Key High Schools during COVID-19 Related School Closure in China”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 90, 100916. 


Dai, Haijing*, Gaoming Ma, Niantao Jiang, and Hongjin Gong. 2023. “Behavioural and Attitudinal Support to Zero-COVID Policies among Adolescents in a Chinese Coastal Area: Direct Experience and Political Socialization”, Journal of Asian Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/17516234.2023.2299091  


Tong, Yuying*, Yiqing Gan, and Ming Wen. 2024. “Do the Institutionally Disadvantaged Students Benefit More from Boarding at School in Their Studying? The Role of Migration and Hukou Status in China”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 90:100913.  


Tong, Yuying*, Yiqing Gan, and Chunxue Zhang. 2024. “Whose Preference Matters More? Couple’s Fertility Preferences and Realization in the Context of China’s Two-Child Policy”, Journal of Family Issues, 45(2):471–501.  


Tong, Yuying *., and Jenny X. Li. 2024. “Gender Egalitarian Attitudes toward Family Roles and Ability, Study Time, and the Academic Performance of Rural Chinese Adolescents”, Chinese Sociological Review, 56(1):1–29.  



Li, Katherine C. Y., Jenny L. C. Leung, Mee Kam Ng*, Charis W. Y. Leung, Arthur T. C. Yeung, Alex C. H. Cheng, Hendrik Tieben, and Mei-po Kwan. 2023. “Sense of Place, Subjective Well-being, and the Influence of Housing and Neighbourhood: A Comparative Study of Two Marginalised Districts in Hong Kong”, Wellbeing, Space and Society, 4:100153.  



馮應謙*。2023。〈社交網絡和平台的社會和商業影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第66期,頁v–vii。 (Fung, Anthony*. 2023. “The Social and Commercial Impacts of Social Media and Digital Platforms”, Communication and Society, 66:v–vii.)  


ter Bogt, Tom, Margreet de Looze, Annisa Lee*, Regina van den Eijnden, Gonneke Stevens, and Anthony Fung*. 2024. “Social and Economic Indicators of Psychological Symptoms and Life Satisfaction among Dutch and Hong Kong Adolescents: A Cross-national HBSC Study”, Cross-Cultural Research. DOI: 10.1177/10693971241231019  


Fung, Anthony*. 2023. “Remark on China as method”, Global Media and China, 8(4):506–507.  


Fung, Anthony*, Jason Lam, and Stephen Chiu*. 2023. “A Socioecological Perspective on the Future Quality of Life of Hong Kong’s Young People: The Role of Competencies, Livelihood Improvement and Support, Upward Mobility and Environment, and Five-year Outlook”, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 6:147–168.  



Barquilla, C. A. M., Jeongwoo Lee, and Sylvia Y. He*. 2023. “The Impact of Greenspace Proximity on Stress Levels and Travel Behavior among Residents in Pasig City, Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 97:104782.  


He, Sanwei, Shan Yu, Lina Ai, Jingya Dai, and Calvin K. L. Chung*. 2024. “The Built Environment, Purpose-Specific Walking Behaviour and Overweight: Evidence from Wuhan Metropolis in Central China”, International Journal of Health Geographics, 23(2).   


He, Sylvia Y.*, Ka-kit Sun, Shuli Luo, Jeongwoo Lee, and Giancarlos Parady. 2023. “The Impacts of COVID-19 and Social Distancing on Transport Mode Usage and Travel Satisfaction: Evidence from a Transit-Oriented City”, Travel Behaviour and Society, 33, 100617.   


He, Sylvia Y.*, Sui Tao, and Ka-kit Sun. 2024. “Attitudes Towards Public Transport Under Extended Disruptions and Massive-Scale Transit Dysfunction: A Hong Kong Case Study”, Transport Policy, 149:247–258.  


He, Xuan, and Sylvia Y. He*. 2024. “Using Mobile Phone Big Data and Street View Images to Explore the Mismatch Between Walkability and Walking Behavior”, Transportation Research Part A, 180:103946.  


Renaud-Blondeau, Penelope, Genevieve Boisjoly, Hanane Dagdougui, and Sylvia Y. He*. 2023. “Powering the Transition: Public Charging Stations and Electric Vehicle Adoption in Montreal, Canada”, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 17(10):1097–1112.  


Shen, Jianfa*, Hengyu Gu, and Jun Chu. 2023. “Unravelling Intercity Mobility Patterns in China Using Multi-year Big Data: A City Classification Based on Monthly Fluctuations and Year-round Trends”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 102:101954.  


Zhang, Mengzhu, and Jiang Xu*. 2024. “Central-Local State Strategic Coupling Towards Making Entrepreneurial Cities in China”, Political Geography, 109:103062.  





江照信*。 2024。〈美國煽動罪法案對香港23條立法有借鑒意義〉。《紫荊論壇》,第73期,頁31–38。  


江照信*。 2024。〈以普通法維護國家安全:美國國家安全判例法對於香港的啟示〉。《紫荊論壇》,第74期。  




Jiang, Zhaoxin*. 2024. “A Constitutional Court’s Survival (by any name)”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 22(1):1–563.  


Jiang, Zhaoxin*. 2024. “Making China’s Apex Court (1928-1948): Legal History as Viewed from the Newly Opened Diaries”, Asia Pacific Journal of Society and Law, 1(1):90–111.  


Jiang, Zhaoxin*. 2024. “State-centered Liberal Constitutionalism: An Underappreciated Legacy of ‘China’s Constitutional Court’”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 22(1):6–7.   


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