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Exchange Activities

Economic Research Centre

E-APEC Study Centres Consortium Conference 2020

23 September 2020   |   Online

The conference was hosted by was hosted by Malaysian APEC Study Center at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The conference focused on the subject of how to achieve inclusive, sustainable growth and shared prosperity, especially in the face of the new normal in a post-pandemic period.

Prof. Travis K. H. Ng presented his paper, “To Mask or Not to Mask”, in which he offered policy recommendations based on certain observed behavioural patterns in the wearing of masks. In the paper, he provides a rational explanation of why in some crowded cities almost everyone wears masks, but few do so in other equally crowded places; and identifies the scenarios wherein mandatory mask policies benefit society.

HK@APEC Seminar

26 September & 14 November 2020   |   Online & Tai Kwun, Hong Kong

This event was organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong and Trade and Industry Department of HKSAR Government, and the participants were mainly secondary school students. Prof. Travis K. H. Ng was invited to deliver a talk titled “Progress on regional economic cooperation and its implications for Hong Kong”, aimed at enhancing the students’ awareness and understanding of regional trade and economic cooperation. The talk was followed by a seminar, where Prof. Ng was invited to be the judge in the “Play” It Forward HK@APEC Game Design Competition. Twenty-two student teams participated and designed creative games with international trade concepts. Prof. Travis K. H. Ng gave valuable recommendations to the participants.

CUHK Virtual Regional Fair

28 November 2020   |   Online

This was an event held by CUHK, with the aim of providing admission information to international high-school students.

Prof. Travis K. H. Ng was invited to deliver a talk titled “The Social Scientific Nature of Business Organizations”. In his talk, he examined business organizations from a social science perspective, and argued that business organizations evolve to solve people’s problems. All features of business organizations are the evolutionary result of billions of trials and errors to resolve conflicts of interest among people.

Research Centre for Urban and Regional Development

Invited lecture: 大灣區區域發展的前世今生:必然的變

10 March 2020   |   Online

The development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is a hot topic in recent years. Mr. Gordon Kee was invited to offer a guest lecture to students from the MIDE programme, Lingnan University on the development of this region from the spatial and temporal perspectives. He introduced the trajectory and achievement of development and shared the ways of enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of the region.

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