In-house Research Activities

Cultural Indicators of Hong Kong Programme (2011-2017)

Programme Leaders:

Professor LEE Francis, Journalism & Comm

Professor LUI Tai-lok, APS, IED

Professor MA Kit-wai Eric, Journalism & Comm

Professor NG Chun-hung, Sociology, HKU

This in-house, longitudinal, and cross-institutional programme has 4 theme-correlated projects. The overall goal is to develop a series of comprehensive and multi-dimensional dataset on the culture of Hong Kong. The projects include:

1. Hong Kong People’s Cultural Values and Beliefs: A Mixed-method Longitudinal Study

Theme: Popular narratives and values

Team Leaders: Francis L F LEE (CUHK), Tai-lok LUI (IED)

2. Negotiating Local and National Identity

Theme: Shifts and changes in national and local identification

Team Leaders:Anthony Y H FUNG (CUHK), Eric Kit-wai MA (CUHK)

3. Re-articulating Hong Kong: New Voices, Young Faces, and Social Changes in the 2000s and Beyond

Theme: New articulations of cultural intermediaries

Team Leaders: Chun-hung NG (HKU), Eric Kit-wai MA (CUHK)

4. The Changing Media Landscape and Changing Media Culture of Hong Kong

Theme: Generational differentiations/ significant cases in media industries

Team Leaders: Grace L K LEUNG (CUHK)

Symposium on Hong Kong Culture and Society

A series of biennial symposium will be organized to disseminate and discuss the research findings of the programme.

Coordinator: Siu-keung CHEUNG (HKSYU)


Website on Folk History of China

[Coordinated by Universities Service Centre for China Studies since 2006]