 Route Policy

Closer Peering Arrangement (CPA) for HKIX members

1. The Benefit
Being a member of the CPA scheme, there is NO need to submit filter update in any form, we accept all route prefixes advertised by the peer until a maximum number of prefixes ( default 5000 ) is reached.

2. Who can Join?
HKIX members who are using AS filtering and advertising more than 2500 prefixes for 200+ different ASes to the HKIX are entitled to apply for the Closer Peering Arrangement (CPA) with the route server.

3. Protection for other HKIX Members
In order to protect other HKIX members, the route server will close the BGP connection if the maximum number of prefixes is reached and we do not receive any notice from the member under the CPA Scheme well in advance.

4. Responsibility of the members of the CPA Scheme
HKIX members under the CPA scheme are responsible for the accuracy and quality of routes being advertised to the HKIX route server. They are also responsible for monitoring and ensuring the number of route prefixes advertised to the HKIX router server does not exceed the maximum number of prefixes agreed upon.
The maximum number of route prefixes accepted by the route server for each members under the CPA Scheme can be increased subject to the review and approval by the HKIX NOC.

5. How to Apply?
If you like to join the CPA scheme, please send your application via e-mail to hkix-noc@cuhk.edu.hk, providing the following for our reference.
a. Your interest to join the CPA Scheme
b. Your understanding and agreement to take up the responsibility as a member of the scheme
c. The name of your company
b. The name, position in the company of the applicant
e. Your AS number
f. HKIX IP address

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
















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