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We are pleased to announce that the “11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language” is held on December 7-8, 2018 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), which is jointly organized by CUHK, Nankai University, and the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, jointly hosted by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK, co-organized by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK-BLCU Joint Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, the Global China Research Programme at CUHK and The Commercial Press, and sponsored by the Faculty of Arts, Chung Chi College and the United College.

The theme of the Symposium is “Linguistics Study from the ‘Belt and Road’ Perspective”. The perspective from the Belt and Road Initiative opens a new horizon in the study of linguistics and its application, which plays an important role not only in deepening our understanding of Chinese in the global context, but also in facilitating the enhancement of comparative linguistics to support and further promote cultural exchanges, paving the way to foster people-to-people bonds. It is hoped that under the proposed theme the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language can serve as a platform for experts and scholars to explore new areas and new topics in the study of linguistics from the “Belt and Road” perspective. We cordially invite abstracts for submission on the relevant issues.

Submission of Abstracts

We invite abstracts for submission on linguistics theories, sociolinguistics, and applied linguistics in Modern Chinese, with some focus on the linguistic issues in the study of linguistics and its varieties associated with the Belt and Road Initiative. Talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for discussion.

1) All submitted abstracts can be written in English or in Chinese and limited to one single-spaced A4 page, with 1-inch margin all around. Use font size 12 throughout.
2) Please submit ONE anonymous version of your abstract to the Organizing Committee via "Easy Chair":
3) Abstracts must be in PDF format and cannot be revised or replaced once they are submitted via Easy Chair. Multiple attempts of submission would not be allowed.
4) Please provide the following information and submit it via Easy Chair: (1) Address, (2) First name, (3) Last name, (4) Email address, (5) Country or area, (6) Affiliation (organization), (7) Title of the abstract, (8) Abstract in plain text, (9) At least 3 keywords, (10) Title of the author. We will accept at most one single-authored work AND one joint-authored work by an individual.
5) All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Only those abstracts that are accepted can be chosen for presentation.
6) Important Dates:

Submission Deadline September 3, 2018 (Monday)
Notice of Acceptance October 22, 2018 (Monday)

No registration is needed. All are welcome!
A selected number of papers will be accepted for publication in a special volume of Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (ISSN 1726-9245) based on their merit.

Workshop on the Linguistics Study related to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area

There will be a special panel session on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area (the "Bay Area") in the form of workshop during the "11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language". Submissions on the linguistics study related to the “Bay Area” are welcome. Talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
The abstract requirements and the submission procedure for this panel session are the same as other regular submissions to the Symposium. Please add "[Bay Area Workshop]" above the title of the abstract submitted to this workshop.