CALL FOR PAPERS We are pleased to announce that "The 6th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography" will be held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on Oct 31-Nov 1, 2025. The Workshop will be jointly organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK, the Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK and the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK and the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies. The theme of The 6th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography will center around syntactic issues related to "D," such as (but not limited to) Determiners, Definiteness, Degree, and Discourse. Papers on cartographic syntax that explore these topics are particularly welcome. Submission of Abstracts 1) All submitted abstracts must be written in English or in Chinese and limited to one single-spaced A4 page (using 1-inch margin on all sides), including examples and (selected) references. Please use Times New Roman font, size 12 pt for English or PMingLiU 12/Song font 5 for Chinese, single spaced. Please submit TWO versions of the abstract: one with your name and affiliation (in both PDF and WORD formats) and one without (also in both PDF and WORD formats). 2) Please submit the abstracts to the Organizing Committee via the online system. 3) We will accept at most one single-authored work OR one joint-authored work by an individual. 4) For the paper in English: please name all files using your full name and the title of the submitted paper (“last name first name_title” ). 5) All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Only those abstracts that are accepted can be chosen for presentation. 6) Important Dates: Submission Deadline May 12, 2025 (Monday) Notice of Acceptance June 27, 2025 (Friday) The selected papers will be accepted for publication in a special volume of Studies of Chinese Linguistics (ISSN 1017-1274) or Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (ISSN 1726-9245) based on their merit. The announcement can also be viewed on LINGUIST List at: