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Chinese Version
- Chronic endocrine disorders
4 April 2000
- Chronic endocrine disorders
The Faculty of Business Administration at CUHK celebrates
the 5th anniversary of "Elite Development Programme"
Prolonged corticosteroid therapy
- Chronic endocrine disorders
Since 1996, The Faculty of Business Administration at The Chinese University of Hong Kong has been offering its students a chance to gain precious working experience through the "Elite Development Programme".  This programme, which targets at second-year undergraduates, has entered its 5th year. Every summer, the Faculty selects elite students and places them to leading local and international companies or government departments to work as summer interns.

An orientation programme was organized on March 24 by The Faculty of Business Administration at the CUHK campus to introduce the "Elite Development Programme" to our students.  Five leading companies presented their companies background and organization to the students.  These companies include PricewaterhouseCoppers, Pegasus Fund Managers Ltd., Smartone Mobile Communications Ltd., Caltex Oil Hong Kong Ltd. and Yau Lee Holdings Ltd. 

Professor Stella So Lai-Man, Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies in Business and Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing explained at the orientation day, "Unlike any other ordinary summer jobs, Elite Development Programme emphasizes the cooperation and commitment among three parties: the students, our faculty members and the companies.  A professor from the Faculty and a company supervisor are specially assigned to each student to provide advice and assistance during the internship.  Through the programme, students will acquire knowledge beyond classroom teaching as the programme allows them to put their studies into practice.  It is also a good chance to learn develop interpersonal relationship at work."

Freda Ng Yat-Kwan, a third-year student who worked in PricewaterhouseCoopers last year shared her experience with the guests, "Very often, students are treated as cheap labour and are only assigned to minor duties such as filing and making photocopies during their summer job.  However, I am very glad that I was assigned real work and important duties when I worked in PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Since I am in Professional Accountancy Programme, the knowledge on the daily operation and business structure of an international accountancy firm is very helpful to my future job seeking after my graduation."

Cherry Cheung, another third-year student who worked in the Bank of China Group said that this programme was very meaningful as it allowed her to put her studies into practice.  She learned more about time management, teamwork spirit and efficiency etc.  She was also greatly impressed by the arrangement of the company as the department head briefed her in details about the company structure and the job specifications on the first day of her appointment.  She felt that she was well-treated by the company even though she was only doing a summer job.

"This programme aims at helping students to get familiar with the real business world and to better equip themselves before they enter the market," said Mrs. Carrie Yu, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Committee Chairman of the Elite Development Programme.  "Students can also practise their communication and interpersonal skills when they work with others.  Most importantly, some students who took part in this programme before were offered permanent appointments by their companies after graduation."