Prof. Chen Yuan Tsong
中央研究院生命科學組陳垣崇院士,1948年出生,台北縣人,是傑出的醫生兼科學家,擅長人類基因病變的研究。他於1978年獲美國紐約哥倫比亞大學人類遺傳學博士學位後,曾任職美國杜克大學醫學中心兒科學教授及醫學遺傳系主任,現為兒科學終身教授。陳院士於2001年回台,擔任中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所所長,2002年獲選為中央研究院院士。陳院士致力於醫學創新研究,對罕見疾病研究有獨到分析,不但研究出第一型肝醣儲積症的治療方法,更於2006年研發出曾被視為新生兒絕症的罕見疾病-龐貝氏症的治療藥物。此藥物更獲歐盟醫藥品管理局(EMA)及美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)核准上市,每年可救活全球逾千個新生兒,改變了全球龐貝氏症病患者的命運,也改寫了人類的醫學史。此藥的誕生歷程被寫成小說《孩子,我要你活下去!》,並改編為荷里活電影《愛的代價》(Extraordinary Measures)。
Professor Chen Yuan-Tsong from Life Sciences, Academia Sinica was born in 1948 in Taipei. Prof. Chen is a world famous and distinguished physician and scientist, recognized for his work on human genetic disorders. After obtaining his PhD degree from Columbia University, he worked at Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center in USA as Chief of Medical Genetics and a Tenured Professor of the University. Returning Taiwan in 2001, Prof. Chen served as Director of Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica. He was awarded Academician of Academia Sinica in 2002. Prof. Chen is dedicated to innovative medical research and has unique analysis on rare disease. Not only did Prof. Chen successfully investigate the therapy for Glycogen storage disease, he has also invented the drug to cure Pompe disease, which is regarded as rare disease with high mortality rate among new born babies, in 2006. This drug has been approved by the European Medicine Agency (EMA) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), saving thousands of lives worldwide annually. This invention does not only change the destiny of Pompe patients, but has also modified human medical history. The development of this drug has been adapted to the novel “The Cure” and the Hollywood movie “Extraordinary Measures”. Professor Chen has also identified susceptibility genes for several human diseases, including genes for diabetes, Kawasaki disease and severe adverse drug reactions. The discovery of the latter has prompted US FDA and Taiwan FDA to relabel three commonly prescribed drugs with genetic information and recommend genetic testing before doctors prescribe the medication. This pioneered laboratory research has now translated to clinic use and led to safer and more effective use of drugs worldwide. He played a leading role in the Era of Personalized Medicine.
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