
講者:陳垣崇院士, (生命科學組),中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所特聘研究員
Speaker:Prof. Chen Yuan Tsong(Life Sciences), Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

Topic:Charting a Course for a Successful Research in Translational Medicine

Synposis:Translational medicine is a two way bridge that connects laboratory research to clinical medicine by translating laboratory discovery into diagnostic tools, drugs and procedures, with ultimate goal to improve patient care and to enhance human health and well-being. Translational medicine is often inspired by patients and driven by sciences. Some of the keys to success in translational medicine research in academic settings include: disease/target selection, multidisciplinary approach, strong translational research team, good patent lawyer, strong corporate and venture development team and eventually an industry sponsor and partnership. This presentation will use lessons learned from two product development in academic settings to illustrate these points.

*Lecture will be conducted in English