香港中文大學 學術交流處(國內事務)



Professor Ming-Daw Tsai received B.S. degree from National Taiwan University (1972) and Ph.D. from Purdue University (1978), and served in the faculty of The Ohio State University in 1981-2006. Subsequently he moved to the Institute of Biological Chemistry of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and served as Director during 2006-14. His honors include Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1983-1985), Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1985-1990), AAAS Fellow (1992), Academician of Academia Sinica (2012), and Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (2014). His research interests include mechanistic enzymology of phosphoryl transfer enzymes particularly DNA polymerases and kinases, and structure-function relationship of proteins in DNA damage response and cancer signaling, particularly ankyrin repeat proteins and FHA domain proteins. A recent focus is on the roles of TIFA in cancer and immunity. Currently he is Director of Taiwan Protein Project and Academia Sinica Cryo-EM Center.

蔡明道教授於1972年取得國立臺灣大學學士學位,1978年取得美國普渡大學博士學位,1981-2006年任教於美國俄亥俄州立大學,2006-2014年應聘回到臺灣中央研究院生物化學研究所擔任所長一職。至今獲頒的學術榮譽有美國Alfred P. Sloan基金會獎(1983-1985)、美國Camille and Henry Dreyfus 基金會教師學者獎(1985-1990)、美國AAAS科學促進會會士(1992)、中央研究院院士(2012)、及TWAS世界科學院院士(2014)等。蔡教授的研究興趣包含:磷酸基轉化酵素的機制酵素學,尤其是DNA聚合酶與激酶;DNA損傷反應及癌症訊息相關的蛋白質結構與功能關係,特別是ankyrin蛋白與FHA domain 蛋白。近期則著重於研究TIFA在癌症與免疫上所扮演的角色。目前,他也是臺灣蛋白質計畫及中研院冷凍電子顯微鏡中心的總主持人。


Chien-Hong Cheng, University of Rochester, Ph.D., (1978), Professor of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University (1984), Chairman, Department of Chemistry, NTHU (1990–93), Director General, Department of Natural Sciences, National Science Council, Taiwan (2006–09), Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, NTHU (2010~2014), President, Chemical Society Located in Taipei (2011–2012). He has received several awards including Outstanding Research Award of National Science Council (1988, 1991 and 1994); Chinese Culture and Academic Foundation Award (1993); Fellow of National Science Council (1995–2001); Chemical Society (Taiwan) Award (2001); Ministry of Education Science Award (2002); Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University (2003-); National Chair Professor (2004, 2009), Ministry of Education; Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (2009); Hou Chin-Dwei Foundation Outstanding Achievement Award (2010), JSPS Lectureship Award (2012) , Professor Chau-Ting Chang Memorial Lectureship (2013), TECO Award (2014), Y.Z. Hsu Scientific Award (2016), The 32rd list Academician of Academia Sinica (2018). Research Interests: (I) Transition metal-catalyzed organic reactions. (II) Electroluminescent materials and devices.


主要研究領域是利用金屬化合物催化新的有機反應:他第一次利用銠催化劑將一氧化碳和一氧化氮轉化形成無毒性的二氧化碳和氮氣,獲得英國New Scientist科學雜誌的特別介紹。他的實驗室第一個發現鈷金屬催化有機分子間的還原偶合反應,成為合成碳 碳鍵很重要的方法;在碳氫鍵活化反應的研究上,以烯基官能基引導碳氫鍵活化、常溫下利用銠催化劑進行反應、以催化方法合成異喹啉鹽,並應用於天然物合成上。這些新催化反應,提供有機合成新的概念及簡單方便的方法。他在有機催化反應的成就,是世界上一流的,對有機催化的機制,具革命性的衝擊。

另一個領域是有機電致發光(OLED):設計合成各種有機電致發光元件所需材料及於顯示器上之應用,探討分子設計及元件構造與發光效率之關係。發橘紅色光銥化合物及其元件的成果目前已經使用於產業界。另一銥金屬的材料是發紅光化合物,是開創台灣紅色磷光材料的研究始祖之一,曾被日本人譽為台灣之光。此外他發展的藍色主層材料也有傲人成果,曾引起Nature Publishing Group注意而被報導過。


Academician Jackson T.-S. Sun received his PhD degree in Linguistics from The University of California at Berkeley in 1993. He is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute of Lingustics of the Academia Sinica. He has served as Vice Director and then Director of his home institute, and also taught at the Department of Chinese at the National Tsing Hua University, the Department of Ethnology at the National Chengchi University, and the Department of Chinese at the National Taiwan Normal University. He is internationally recognized for his pioneering documentation and historical comparative work on Tibeto-Burman, and secondarily Austroasiatic, languages. Over the three decades of his employment at the academy, he has persistently applied an empirical, field-based approach to investigating a host of languages in the Sino-Tibetan family, emphasizing the discovery and description of languages and linguistic phenomena new to science. In 2018, he was elected an academician of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica.
