


What is Silicosis?

  • Fibrosis of the lungs caused by the inhalation of dust that contains free silica.
  • Incubation period of 15–20 years.
  • Incurable.

Where can silica be found?

  • Quartz, sandstone and granite rocks contain 99%, 80%, and 65% silica respectively.

Rocks that contain silica

Quartz (99%)

Sandstone (80%)

Granite (65%)

Am I at risk?

  • Workers involved in the following trades or processes may be exposed to silica dust:


  • Quarry
    Quarrying, drilling, rock blasting


  • Construction
    Rock drilling, grinding, blasting, road building, tunneling, trenching


  • Casting
    Metal grinding and dressing, stone finishing, sand mixing, sand blasting


  • Monumental masons
    Dressing, cutting or finishing granite stone for graveyard headstones


  • Glass Industry
    Mixing glass, quartz, sand and silica powder

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