CUHK Huang Yu
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Dr Siu Ling Wong, Christine

PhD (2006-2010) Institute of Vascular Medicine and Department of Physiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

The Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2011-2016) and the Instructor (2016 – 2018) at Immune Disease Institute and Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Currently the Assistant Professor in LKC School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2019 Jan -),

SCI-indexed publications
  • Liu J, Wang L, Tian XY, Liu LM, Wong WT, Zhang Y, Han Q, Ho HM, Wang N, Wong SL, Chen ZY, Yu J, Ng CF, Yao X & Huang Y (2015) Unconjugated bilirubin mediates heme oxygenase-1-induced vascular benefits in diabetic mice. Diabetes 64(5):1564-1577 with commentary 64(5):1506-1508.

  • Ni X, Wong SL, Lau CW, Shi X, Wong CM, Cai Y & Huang Y (2014) Tetramethylpyrazine protects against hydrogen peroxide-provoked endothelial dysfunction in isolated rat aortic rings: implications for antioxidant therapy of vascular diseases. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 627181, 10 pages

  • Dong J, Wong SL, Lau CW, Liu J, Wang YX, He ZD, Ng CF, Chen ZY, Yao X, Xu A, Ni X, Wang H & Huang Y (2013) Calcitriol restores renovascular function in estrogen-deficient rats through downregulation of cyclooxygenase-2 and the thromboxane-prostanoid receptor. Kidney International 84(1):54-63 with Commentary 2013;84(1):9-11.

  • Yang C, Chen ZY, Wong SL, LIU J, Liang YT, Lau CW, Lee HK, Huang Y & Tsang SY (2013) b-Sitosterol oxidation products attenuate vasorelaxation through increasing reactive oxygen species and cyclooxygenase-2. Cardiovascular Research 97(3):520-532

  • Dong J, Wong SL, Lau CW, Lee, HK, Ng CF, Zhang L, Yao X, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & Huang Y (2012) Calcitriol protects renovascular function in hypertension by down-regulating angiotensin II type 1 receptors and reducing oxidative stress. European Heart Journal 33(23):2980-2990

  • Yuen CY, *Wong SL, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Xu A, Zhu Z, Ng CF, Kong SK, Lee HK, Yao X & Huang Y (2012) From skeleton to cytoskeleton: Osteocalcin transforms vascular fibroblasts to myofibroblasts via angiotensin II and Toll-like receptor 4. Circulation Research 111:e55-e66. (*Co-first author)

  • Wong SL, Lau CW, Wong WT, Xu A, Au CL, Ng CF, Ng SSM, Gollasch M, Yao X, Huang Y (2011) Pivotal role of PKCδ in angiotensin II-induced endothelial cyclooxygenase-2 expression: A link to vascular inflammation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 31(5):1169-1176

  • Yu S, Wong SL, Lau CW, Huang Y & Yu CM (2011) Oxidized LDL at low concentration promotes in vitro angiogenesis and activates nitric oxide synthase through PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway in human coronary artery endothelial cellsBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 407(1):44-48

  • Yuen CY, Wong WT, Tian XY, Wong SL, Lau CW, Yu J, Tomlinson B, Yao X & Huang Y (2011) Telmisartan inhibits vasoconstriction via PPARγ-dependent expression and activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Cardiovascular Research 90(1):122-129

  • Wong SL, Wong WT, Tian XY, Lau CW, Huang Y (2010) Prostaglandins in action: indispensible roles of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in endothelium-dependent contractions. In Advances in Pharmacology 60:61-83.

  • Wong WT, Wong SL, Tain XY & Huang Y (2010) Endothelial dysfunction: the common consequence in diabetes and hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 55(4):300-307

  • Liu CQ, Wong SL, Leung FP, Tian XY, Lau CW, Lu LM, Yao X, Chen ZY, T Yao & Huang Y (2010) Phosphodiesterase inhibition ameliorates prostanoid TP receptor-mediated impairment of vasorelaxation induced by cyclic AMP-elevating dilator. European Journal of Pharmacology 632(1):45-51

  • Wong SL & Huang Y (2010) Adventitial connection to outside-in regulation of vascular function. Invited editorial commentary. Circulation Journal 74(5):854-855

  • Wong SL, Leung FP, Au CL, Yung LM, Lau CW, Yao X, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & Huang Y (2009) Cyclooxygenase-2-derived PGF2α mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aortae of hamsters with increased impact during ageing. Circulation Research 104(2):228-235. With Editorial Commentary (Circ Res 2009;104:141-143

  • Liu CQ, Leung FP, Wong SL, Lau CW, Wong WT, Lu L, Yao X, Yao T & Huang Y (2009) Thromboxane prostanoid receptor activation impairs endothelial nitric oxide-dependent vasorelaxations: the role of Rho kinase. Biochemical Pharmacology 78(4):374-381