CUHK Huang Yu
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Dr Lai Ming Yung

PhD (2004-2008) Department of Physiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2008-2010) Stroke and Neurovascular Regulation Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, USA

Currently the Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, USA


SCI-indexed publications
  • Leung FP, Yung LM, Ngai CY, Cheang WS, Tian XY, Lau CW, Zhang Y, Liu J, Chen ZY, Bian ZX, Yao X & Huang Y (2016) Chronic black tea consumption improves endothelial function in ovariectomized rats. European Journal of Nutrition 55(5):1963-1972.

  • Yung LM, Tian XY, Wong WT, Leung FP, Yung LH, Chen ZY, Lau CW, Yao YX & Huang Y (2013) Chronic cranberry juice consumption restores cholesterol profiles and improves endothelial function in ovariectomized rats. European Journal of Nutrition 52(3):1145-1155

  • Chan YC, Leung FP, Tian XY, Yung LM, Lau CW, Chen ZY, Yao X, Laher I & Huang Y (2012) Raloxifene improves vascular reactivity in pressurized septal coronary arteries of ovariectomized hamsters fed cholesterol diet. Pharmacological Research 65(20):182-188

  • Tian XY, Yung LH, Wong WT, Leung FP, Liu LM, Chen YC, Kong SK, Kwan KM, Ng SM, Lai PB, Yung LM, Yao X & Huang Y (2012) Bone morphogenic protein-4 induces endothelial cell apoptosis through oxidative stress-dependent p38MAPK and JNK pathway. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 52(1):237-244

  • Yung LM, Wong WT, Tian XY, Leung FP, Yung LH, Chen ZY, Lau CW, Yao X & Huang Y (2011) Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system reverses endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress during estrogen deficient rats. PLoS One 6(3):e17437

  • Chan YC, Leung FP, Wong WT, Tian TY, Yung LM, Lau CW, Tsang SY, Yao Y, Chen ZY, Huang Y (2010) Therapeutically relevant concentrations of raloxifene dilate pressurized rat resistance arteries via calcium-dependent eNOS activation. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 30(5):992-999

  • Wong SL, Leung FP, Au CL, Yung LM, Lau CW, Yao X, Chen ZY, Vanhoutte PM & Huang Y (2009) Cyclooxygenase-2-derived PGF2α mediates endothelium-dependent contractions in the aortae of hamsters with increased impact during ageing. Circulation Research 104(2):228-235

  • Yung LM, Laher I, Yao X, Chen ZY, Huang Y & Leung FP (2009) Exercise and cardiovascular health – Part II. Sports Medicine 39(1):45-63

  • Leung FP, Yung LM, Laher I, Yao X, Chen ZY & Huang Y (2008) Exercise and cardiovascular health – Part I. Sports Medicine 38(12):1009-1024

  • Wong CW, Yung LM, Leung FP, Tsang SY, Au CL, Chen ZY, Yao X, Cheng HK, Lau CW, Gollasch M & Huang Y (2008) Raloxifene protects endothelial cells Raloxifene protects endothelial cells against oxidative stress. British Journal of Pharmacology 155(3):326-334

  • Leung FP, Yung LM, Yao X, I Laher & Huang Y (2008) Stored-operated calcium entry in vascular smooth muscle. British Journal of Pharmacology 153(5):846-857

  • Leung FP, Yung LM, Yao X, I Laher & Huang Y (2008) Stored-operated calcium entry in vascular smooth muscle. British Journal of Pharmacology 153(5):846-857

  • Zhong JC, Huang Y, Yung LM, Lau CW, Leung FP, Wong WT & Yu XY (2007) The novel peptide apelin regulates intrarenal artery tone in diabetic mice. Regulatory peptides 144:109-114

  • Leung FP, Yung LM, Leung HS, Au CL, Yao X, Vanhoutte PM, Laher I & Huang Y (2007) Therapeutic concentrations of raloxifene augments nitric oxide-dependent relaxation in porcine coronary artery.British Journal of Pharmacology 152(2):223-229

  • Leung FP, Tsang SY, Yung LM, Wong CM, Chan YC, Leung HS, Yao X & Huang Y (2007) Raloxifene, tamoxifen and vascular tone. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (invited article to A Special Issue on Steroid Hormones and Vascular Function) 34:809-813

  • Zhong JX, Yu XY, Huang Y, Yung LM, Lau CW & Lin SG (2007) Apelin modulates aortic vascular tone via endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation pathway in diabetic mice. Cardiovascular Research 74(3):388-395. With Editorial Commentary “Apelin and vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes” Cardiovasc Res 2007;74(3):339-340

  • Tsang SY, Yao XQ, Chan HY, Chan FL, Leung CSL, Yung LM, Au CL, Chen ZY, Laher I & Huang Y (2007) Tamoxifen and estrogen attenuates enhanced vascular tone induced by estrogen deficiency in rat carotid arteries. Biochemical Pharmacology 73(9):1330-1339

  • Leung HS, Seto SW, Kwan YY, Leung FP, Au ALS, Yung LM, Yao X & Huang Y (2007) Endothelium-independent relaxation to raloxifene in porcine coronary artery. European Journal of Pharmacology 555(2-3):178-184.

  • Leung HS, Yung LM, Leung FP, Yao X, Chen ZY, Ko WH, Laher I & Huang Y (2006) Tamoxifen diates porcine coronary arteries: role of nitric oxide and ouabain sensitive mechanisms. British Journal of Pharmacology 149(6):703-711