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     The talks are organized by The Centre of Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) with the collaboration of Education for Good. It is to continue our dialogue with innovation, design thinking and social enterprisingness at CUHK. Three talks are on the way in October and November. 
     All CUHKers are welcome. 

Build a barrier-free society

     Michael Fung and Yuen Tam, iSee Mobile co-founders, were sharing their experience in social enterprisgness and design thinking over the years. Before the university, they had already initiated their journey of exploration of social ventures in Taiwan and how these ventures to solve some of community issues. 

     Starting from 2016, they have been developing apps for the visually impaired people. They shared the difficulties of one of co-founders who is the visually impaired person from day to day. Then iSee, iMoney and iNews apps were launched. The process was not smooth but inspiring. This is not the end of their journey. At present, they are still working on building a barrier-free society in different perspectives.

Social innovation roadmap

      Ding Ding and Leticia were sharing their social innovation roadmaps. Ding Ding founded Festyle after winning the funding from HKSEC (Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge) in 2015. Festyle is designing prepacked food to the busy bee families in Hong Kong. On one hand, the food is prepared properly and healthier. On the other hand, it helps a group of housewives earning extra income in their spare time and empowering them. 

     Leticia was the 2012 Champion at HKSEC and founded The Leftovers. The Leftovers focused on the education about food waste. She evolved a few times of nature of venture to match and sustain what she initially believed in. Both agreed on the support from CUHK is valuable and they find the tools of Design Thinking are still useful today.  

Bring the world to the local

     Through the overseas exchange programme, Till and Freddy had been opening their eyes and their exposures had made them experience different cultures and diversities of people. Till is from small town in Germany and Freddy is from Hong Kong. Their circle of life was used to be limited and not so many exciting stories. They joined in the exchange programme. Till went to India, Thailand, China and Southeast Asia. Freddy was offered to go to top university in China. 

     Eventually they met at Oxford when they were granted the scholarship. Both started to think how to bring the world to local instead of travelling around as not everyone could afford the cost of travelling. This was how ‘Intercultural Education’ began, their social business. Now their social enterprise is organizing programme of cross-cultural training, global talks and innovation trip with local schools and universities which they are now bringing the world to the local.  

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