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 Useful Links -- Journal

Account of Chemical Research
Angewandte Chemie
Chemical Coummunication
Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of American Chemical Society
Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry


 Useful Links -- Collaborators


Prof. Pierre H. Dixneuf (Université de Rennes 1)
Prof. Jun Okuda (
Institut für Anorganische Chemie)
Prof. Chi Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Thomas C.W. MAK (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Zhenyang Lin (The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology )
Prof. Changtao Qian (The Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,CAS)
Prof. Yong Tang (The Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,CAS)


 Useful Links -- Carborane Chemistry


Hawthorne Lab
Reed Group
Narayan Hosemane's Research Group

 Useful Links -- Chemistry in Hong Kong


Government Laboratory
The Hong Kong Baptist University
The ChineseUniveristy of Hong Kong
The City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The University of Hong Hong

 Useful Links -- Chemicals


Acros Organics
Fisher Scientific International Inc.

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