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(852) 3943-9580
(852) 3943-4785
Release time:2016-11-6 11:30:56
日期: 2016年11月10日
地點:利黃瑤璧樓203 (大學站A出口)
講者:Muoammed Al-Sudairi (香港大學政治與公共行政學系博士候選人)
Sectarianism is an endemic and pervasive problem across many parts of the Muslim World. In academic and media narratives, it is oftentimes presented in terms of the conventional and supposedly "historical" fault-line of Sunni versus Shi'ite. This talk aims to challenge this by looking at a different sectarian topography particular to Sino-Muslim communities in China. More specifically, it will examine the "Salafi experience" among the Hui in terms of how various groups adhering to Salafi precepts have dealt with one another as well as other groups - namely, the Yihewani, Gedimu, and Sufi tariqas. It will show that sectarianism is not an immemorial and "static" characteristic defining relations between various fixed or reified sects, but is rather a constantly changing and evolving discourse contingent on many endogenous and exogenous factors particular to the communities appropriating such sectarianism.