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Release time:2016-12-8 11:30:56
Speaker: Dr. Ville JuhaPäivänsalo (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki)
Date: 7 December 2016, Wednesday
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building
Language: English
Europe is becoming increasingly multicultural every year, not least as a consequence of the on-going immigration from the Middle-East. Therefore the citizens of each European country also need to think anew those models of socio-political justice that were once constructed for culturally more homogenous nations. In this lecture, Päivänsalo first outlines the conceptual change from an essentially secular, politically liberal heritage towards a more multicultural, dialogical, and transnational approach to justice. Second, he calls attention to the necessity of achieving peace and security both in Europe and in the Middle-East as a precondition for a stable transnational justice, or at least for fostering collaboration in that direction. The importance of viable religious dialogue is highlighted here. Finally, third, Päivänsalo takes a closer look at a particular practical concern, namely the undocumented migrants’ right to health. What types of responses to this challenge have some European states and voluntary organization developed and what kind of directions has e.g. the Global Clinic, a Finnish NGO, supported in this field?
About the speaker:
Ville Päivänsalo, PhD (Theology), has the title of docent in theological and social ethics at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has served there as acting university lecturer in theological and social ethics, acting professor of social ethics, assistant professor in global theology, worldviews, and ideologies (visiting Heidelberg for 6 months in 2014) and, in 2017, as acting university lecturer in systematic theology. He is the author of Balancing Reasonable Justice: John Rawls and Crucial Steps Beyond (2007) and his main research areas are theories and theologies of justice and human development.