Prepared for Your Interview
As a prospective exchange student, you may need to attend a selection interview. Your performance during the interview will have a direct impact on your Composite Score, so it is in your best interest to be both mentally and physically prepared before you walk into the interview room. On this page, you will find a series of articles giving you advice for excelling at interviews. Note that attending an interview to compete for a chance to study abroad is quite similar to going to interviews to compete for a job or a scholarship. Interviewers want to – within a very short amount of time – to get to know you and evaluate whether you are an excellent candidate for the position you are competing for. Quota for exchange is very limited, and the selection committee wants to ensure that they are choosing the best candidate, not just a suitable candidate. Please take some time to prepare yourself for a chance to impress the selection committee and be rewarded with an opportunity to study abroad.
"Some advices on Interview" by Prof. Chu Ming-chung
Tips on Interview by Professor Chu Ming-chung (PDF format)
Sample interview questions:
We have collected a number of interview questions from past science exchange candidates. Try to answer these yourself to see how you might perform during your selection interview.
- Please introduce yourself.?
- Why did you choose this designated country/university?
- How would you prepare for the exchange?
- Have you done any research on the courses that you can choose during exchange?
- How will going on exchange help you in your future career?
- As an exchange student from the CUHK, you are representing the University and Hong Kong. How will you introduce Hong Kong to the local people?
- Many local students will go home during holidays. How will you overcome the loneliness when you don’t have others around?
- How will you finance your expenses abroad?
- What do you hope to achieve by going on exchange?