Teaching Staff

Mr. Adrian CHEUNG
Public Affairs Consultant

Ms. Annita MAU
Public Affairs Consultant

Prof. CHONG Tai Leung
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, CUHK

Mr. CHOW Sze Chung
NGOs campaigner and Visiting Lecturer in tertiary institutions

Prof. LAM Kin Che
Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK

Dr. LEE Ka Kiu Nelson
Instructor, Department of Government and Public Administration, CUHK

Mr. LEE Wing Tat
Former Legislative Councilor, HKSAR

Dr. LUK Tak Chuen
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University

Senior Counselor, APCO Worldwide

Prof. Miron MUSHKAT
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Social Science, CUHK

Mr. SHIU Lik-king
Public Affairs Consultant, See page for further information

Prof. William SMITH
Assistant Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration, CUHK

Ms. WONG Ming Lok
Former Administrative Officer, HKSARG and Public Affairs Consultant

Prof. XU Yuan
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management,CUHK