Strategic Development of Human Resources
CUHK is on a steady upward trajectory as evidenced by its continuous improvements in citations and visibility. We will continue to develop as a global university that is academically and intellectually rigorous and vibrant and one driven by innovations. To this end, we are focusing on our fundamentals—to recruit the most outstanding faculty members and to build up our critical mass on areas of strategic importance. The past few years have been especially exciting. We have made remarkable progress in recruiting and retaining world outstanding faculty members. Our professorial faculty has grown to close to 1,000 members, not including those supported by private funds.
The University is working closely with the Faculties to identify academic foci that align with CUHK's strategic directions. Committed to our planned development priorities, we will implement policies and put in new resources and incentives to support our research and education initiatives. These include the allocation of recurrent faculty lines supported by central funds, the development of policies to streamline academic hiring, and the improvement of our laboratory and IT infrastructures. We also recognize that we need to enhance our remuneration packages, including the provision of staff housing, in order to attract outstanding faculty members, especially those who have to relocate to Hong Kong, to join us. In this connection, we have expedited the process of allocating on-campus staff quarters, and will look into renting apartments off-campus should the need arise.