The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen [CUHK(SZ)]
CUHK(SZ) inherits the educational philosophy and academic structure of CUHK to promote its educational ideals and moral values to new generations of Mainland students.
It is our belief that CUHK, with one of its missions of serving the needs and enhancing the well-being of the citizens of China as a whole, has the responsibility to train future generations of university graduates in the Mainland to become citizens who are international in outlook, learned in the disciplines they study, upright in their character, and committed to serving the needs of society. With the vision of nurturing future researchers, executives and professionals, CUHK(SZ) aims at providing world-class education to students in Shenzhen, the PRD region and China as a whole.
CUHK(SZ) inherits the educational philosophy and academic structure of CUHK to promote its educational ideals and moral values to new generations of Mainland students by introducing them to whole-person development, liberal arts education, collegiate system, bilingual education and other educational philosophies in CUHK(SZ), which seek to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. More importantly, CUHK(SZ) strives to promote equal access to quality higher education for those underprivileged students in the Mainland with great potentials.
Established in March 2014 with Shenzhen University as a partner under the Sino-foreign collaboration framework for education, CUHK(SZ) admitted its first cohort of students in September in the same year. With the generous donation of the Shaw Foundation in 2012, Shaw College was established as the first college of CUHK(SZ) in 2015, followed by Diligentia College to be established in 2016 which is made possible by another major donation received from the Genzon Group. The colleges will be vibrant living-learning communities offering pastoral care alongside plenty of extra-curricular and experiential learning opportunities to students.