IaH Definition

About IaH

“Internationalization at Home is the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students, within domestic learning environments.” – Beelen & Jones (2015)

Beelen, J., & Jones, E. (2015). Europe Calling: A New Definition for Internationalization at Home. International Higher Education, (83), 12-13. https://doi.org/10.6017/ihe.2015.83.9080

What does IaH mean in practice? 
10 indicators by Jones & Reiffenrath (2018)

  1. Offers all students global perspectives within their programme of study, whether or not they spend time abroad.
  2. Moves beyond electives or specialised programmes.
  3. Involves developing international and intercultural prespectives through internationalised learning outcomes in the formal curriculum.
  4. Is supported by informal (co-)curriculum activities across the institution.
  5. Makes purposeful use of cultural diversity in the classroom for inclusive learning, teaching and assessment practice.
  6. Creates opportunities for student engagement with ‘cultural others’ in local society.
  7. Involves all staff, not only academics and international officers.
  8. May or may not include teaching in English or another lingua franca.
  9. Can include virtual mobility through online working with partner universities.
  10. Fosters purposeful engagement with international students.

For detailed explanation, please refer to Internationalisation at Home in practice (Jones & Reiffenrath, 2018).

IoC Definition

What researchers say IoC is​

Despite being in common usage for more than 30 years, there is still no one agreed definition of IoC (Knight, 2013). Over the years it has meant different things to different people in different institutions at different times. 

What researchers say IoC is: some definitions​

  • Internationalisation of the curriculum is the incorporation of an international and inter-cultural dimension into the content of the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning processes and support services of a program of study (Leask, 2009, p. 209).
  • An internationalised curriculum is one that incorporates content, pedagogy, learning experiences and assessments, which help learners to understand, accept and respect cultural difference and aspires to help better equip students to live and work in an increasingly globalised world (Mangione & Rao, 2015, p.123).​
  • a change process from a national higher education institution to an international higher education institution leading to the inclusion of an international dimension in all aspects of its holistic management in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning and to achieve the desired competencies (Soderqvist, 2002, p. 29)
  • any systematic effort aimed at making higher education responsive to the requirements and challenges related to the globalization of societies, economy and labour markets (van der Wende, 1997, p. 18).​
  • the process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education (Knight, 2003)
  • the multiple activities, programs and services that fall within international studies, international educational ex- change and technical cooperation (Arum & van de Water, 1992, p. 202)
  • the process of integrating an international dimension into the teaching/learning, research and service functions of a university or college. An international dimension means a perspective, activity or service which introduces or integrates an international/intercultural/global outlook into the major functions of an institution of higher education (Knight, 1994, p. 3)​

What researchers say IoC is: a widely cited definition​

Internationalisation of the curriculum is the incorporation of an international and inter-cultural dimension into the content of the curriculum as well as the teaching and learning processes and support services of a program of study (Leask, 2009, p. 209).

List of Reference

Arum, S., & van de Water, J. (1992). The need for a definition of international education in U.S. universities. In C. Klasek (Ed.), Bridges to the futures: Strategies for internationalizing higher education (pp. 191-203). Carbon- dale, IL: Association of International Education Administrators.  

Beelen, J., & Jones, E. (2015). Europe calling: A new definition for internationalization at home. International Higher Education, 83, special issue, 12–13. 

Knight, J. (1994). Internationalization: Elements and checkpoints. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED549823.pdf 

Knight, J. (2003). Updating the Definition of Internationalization. International Higher Education, (33), 2–3. http://doi.org/10.1177/1028315315602927 

Leask, B. (2009). Using Formal and Informal and International Students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(2), 205–221. http://doi.org/10.1177/1028315308329792 


Soderqvist, M. (2002). Internationalization and its management at higher-edu- cation institutions: Applying conceptual, content and discourse analysis. Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki School of Economics.

van der Wende, M. (1997). Missing links: The relationship between national policies for internationalisation and those for higher education in general. In T. Kalvermark &M. van der Wende (Eds.), National policies for the interna- tionalisation of higher education in Europe (pp. 10-31). Stockholm: Hogskoleverket Studies, National Agency for Higher Education. 

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