Enhancing Teaching of Gastroenterology through Innovative Interdisciplinary E-learning Platform
Principal Supervisors

Professor MAK Wing Yan Joyce (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics)


9 months

Approved Budget

HK $193,760

  • Abstract
  • Brief write-up
  • Video Report


• Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB) is a common medical emergency with an annual incidence of approximately 130 per 100,000 adults in Hong Kong.
• There is limited real-life exposure for medical students in the management of AUGIB in view of the COVID-19 outbreak.
• We aim to equip our medical students on the knowledge of management of patients with AUGIB through interactive online video clips so as to make sure they are familiar and confident in managing such condition when they become medical officers.
• This project will focus on 2 main areas: (1) management of acute gastrointestinal bleeding; and (2) endoscopic management of gastrointestinal bleeding.
• Interactive video cases mimicking common GI bleeding scenarios and situations in endoscopy centre will be produced with integrated quiz questions in each of the scenarios for active learning.
• Repetition quiz will be done at the end of each scenario to improve students’ ability to recall key information.
• Virtual tutor function will be incorporated into the video to support students with detailed explanations.
• Summarised algorithm and links to relevant references will be provided at the end of each scenario to encourage self-learning.

Brief write-up

Project objectives

Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is potentially life-threatening with high morbidity and mortality if not managed properly. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there is limited real-life exposure for medical students in managing this condition. Thus, we set up this eLearning platform with the aims to let medical students to:
1. Understand the causes of gastrointestinal bleeding
2. Identify important points in history taking and physical exam in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
3. Learn the diagnosis and investigations for gastrointestinal bleeding
4. Identify and implement key points in resuscitation in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding
5. Learn the pharmacological and endoscopic management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding
6. Manage patients with variceal bleeding

Activities, process and outcomes

To achieve these objectives, a total of 8 videos (3 on clinical management of upper GI bleeding; 5 on endoscopic management of upper GI management) have been produced. Additional slides with key points on management of upper GI bleeding have been incorporated into the videos so as to consolidate students’ knowledge. In the end of the module, there are 5 multiple choice questions to assess students’ knowledge.

Deliverables and evaluation

The e-platform on the management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding has been established. Medical students will be evaluated on the knowledge of management of GI bleeding during their final exam. We have invited 8 students to evaluate the e-platform and all gave positive comments about the platform.

Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices

A QR code has been set up and sent to medical students via email. We have also included the QR code in other lecture notes in Gastroenterology and Hepatology so as to promote the eLearning platform. The eLearning platform is now placed inside the BLACKBOARD system for students to review it when necessary.

Impact on teaching and learning

This eLearning platform provides us a chance to teach medical students about clinical and endoscopic management of upper GI bleeding outside medical ward and endoscopy center, and provide students with the experience of endoscopic management of GI bleeding. These valuable experiences will better equip our medical students for their future clinical practice.

Video Report

Please click the following link for viewing the report.