• Since 2009, I have been designing and producing various audio-visual learning materials for knowledge sharing, self-, e- and flipped-learning. My experiences inform me that students are more engaged with audio-visual materials in both classroom- and e-learning.
• Supported by CLEAR, I piloted a 5-minute animated video “Preparing for the consultancy selection process” for flipped-teaching in 2018. Student users found the video informative and useful. Refer to the embedded link: https://gocuhk-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/joyceiun_cuhk_edu_hk/EYAwICICHWNImNyHm1fQd4kBaQzIkaGvELbtP6XOiK6r2A?e=f32qmn
• I plan to work with CLEAR again and create an animated video case with 9 episodes in the context of change management, a hot topic in management studies.
• The video case is about a main character and his/her joy and pain in leading change programs in the organization. The 9 episodes are theme-based. The themes include: role of change leader; identifying the decision makers; taking stock of team crew; setting the course; embarking on the journey; taking charge like a captain; contingency planning; delivering the vision; and captain’s log on the end as beginning. Each episode is around 5-8 minutes.
• These 9 animated videos can be used for both classroom- and/or e-learning. This series is designed to offer students with a holistic and step-by-step learning on change management.
Brief write-up
Project objectives
Produce 9 theme-based animated videos for classroom- and eLearning. These videos are designed to offer students with a holistic and step-by-step learning in change management. These videos unfold the change management process of planning, decision-making, implementation, managing stakeholders and evaluation. Students can witness and experience the joy and pain along with the characters.
Activities, process and outcomes
Partnering with the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), I produced a series of 9 theme-based animated videos between April and December, 2020. One video case was produced monthly.
Deliverables and evaluation
By the end of December, 2020, all nine animated videos were completed with high level of satisfaction. They were used on Zoom learning in Term 2, 2020-21. A total of 34 students in “Management Consulting and Change Management” (MGNT 4130) used the videos in 3 group discussions. Students feedbacked positively. The project objectives are fulfilled with high level of satisfaction. All criteria such as learning tasks, learning materials, interaction with students and student engagement are met with high level of satisfaction.
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
These videos are used in “Management Consulting and Change Management” (MGNT 4130), an upper elective course for multiple IBBA concentrations. Other Management teachers are welcome to use these videos in various contexts, such as crisis management and leadership skills.
Impact on teaching and learning
Both classroom- and eLearning require more ‘interesting’ materials to encourage student engagement in learning. Animated videos serve such purpose.