Displaying a strong competence in the English language is a major advantage for university graduates in personal development and career advancement. Statistics collected from Common English Proficiency Assessment Scheme on IELTS attainment of graduates from 8 UGC-funded universities and our Entry Class Questionnaire indicate that there is room for further enhancement of English competence of CUHK students.
To continuously nurture CUHK students to be highly skilled users of English, it is imperative for the University first to enhance understanding of success factors for English learning in the context of CUHK and then to formulate some enhancement measures based on our understanding of what contributes to the high attainment in English. The project is proposed to
1. identify variables (learner, learning and contextual) correlated with high attainment in English of CUHK students;
2. examine the English language needs within and beyond academic settings; and
3. identify initiatives/ measures to address English language needs and to nurture high level of English competence among CUHK students.
The project will involve the collection of data from students and teachers via a questionnaire survey, interviews and focus group discussion. Findings of the study on success factors will generate implications on measures to strengthen the use of English in and out of classrooms. It is expected both formal and non-formal measures will be proposed.
Brief write-up
Project objectives
This project aims to identify variables correlated with high attainment in English of CUHK students; to examine the English language needs within and beyond academic settings; and identify measures to nurture high level of English competence among CUHK students.
Activities, process and outcomes
1. Collected student questionnaire data (n=1277), conducted 60 individual student interviews and individual interviews with English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) lecturers (n=3) and faculty teachers (n=2).
2. Performed Linear Regression Analysis to analyse the questionnaire data.
3. Performed Content Analysis on the student interviews and individual teacher interviews.
Deliverables and evaluation
1. A comprehensive literature review on variables that affect second language attainment
2. A student questionnaire on English language needs and English learning experiences
3. Interview protocols – student interviews focusing on students’ English learning experience at both secondary school and CUHK (within and outside campus) and teacher interview focusing on approach to teaching English courses and support measures
Dissemination, diffusion, impact and sharing of good practices
A conference presentation was delivered in 2021 at the CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo. A journal article will be submitted to a high impact international journal for peer-review.
Impact on teaching and learning
The findings reveal that the students’ use of English for social purposes holds a longitudinal impact on their language development. English-Medium-Instruction lectures, students’ L2 strategy use, and motivation also contribute to the student’s English language learning. This study argues that the learners’ factors and the university’s English-Medium-Instruction provision play a larger role in contributing to success in L2 academic English learning.