
Director’s Message




Exchange Activities




Upcoming Event


Call for Contributions
Past Issues

We are interested to receive your comments and suggestions. Please contact the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies office at hkiaps@cuhk.edu.hk


Welcome Message and Introduction

Prof. Anthony Y. H. Fung

Experience sharing

Dr Philip Chan
Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia
Dr Li Kan
Research Assistant, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, Australia
Prof. Thomas Chiu
Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
Faculty of Education, CUHK
Mr Steve Chung
Assistant Lecturer, Global Studies Programme, CUHK
Mr Chi-wing Wong and Mr Shu-sang Leung
Technician, Teaching Resources Centre @ School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK
Miss Tiffany Yu
Executive Officer, HKIAPS, CUHK
Dr Sally Lo
Postdoctoral Fellow, HKIAPS, CUHK

PROcruitC Programme, CUHK

COVID-19 ignited a rapid growth in online teaching and events using advanced information and communications technology. The aim of this workshop was to provide a wider variety of platforms and methods of teaching and holding events online via the sharing of experiences and practical skills.

The workshops consisted of eight speakers from both academic and event-organization backgrounds. Dr Philip Chan and Dr Ki Kan discussed how to improve the competence of teachers to teach online live classes. Prof. Thomas Chiu shared his views on motivation in remote learning and how to face the challenges of COVID-19 and beyond.

In the second section, five speakers shared their practical skills concerning different aspects of online teaching and events. Mr Steve Chung suggested how to enhance the level of interaction in online teaching; Mr Chi-wing Wong and Mr Shu-sang Leung introduced both basic and professional gadget essentials; Miss Tiffany Yu outlined the features of Zoom for holding online events; Dr Sally Lo summarized eight takeaway points for a rundown of events.

The event was attended by around 130 participants.

Webinar Video: https://cutv.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/detail/1312

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