Issue 10    ■    January 2024        

Co-Convenors’ Message



Research Highlights


Journal Articles

Books & Book Chapters

Commentaries & Others
Call for Contributions
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Recent Publications
* Policy Research @ HKIAPS member
National Strategy & Implmentation

Wang, C., Shen, J.*, & Liu, Y. (2023). Hukou transfer intention of rural migrants with settlement intention in China: How cities’ administrative level matters. Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 1–10.  

Sociodemographic Change & Wellbeing

Chen, X., Liu, Y., & Zhong, H.* (2023). Generalized trust among rural-to-urban migrants in China: Role of relative deprivation and neighborhood context. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 94, 101784.  

Fung, A.*, Lam, J., & Chiu, S. (2023). A socioecological perspective on the future quality of life of Hong Kong’s young people: The role of competencies, livelihood improvement and support, upward mobility and environment, and five-year outlook. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 6, 147–168.  

Gan, Y., & Tong Y.* (2023). Discrimination and mental health of highly educated immigrants in Hong Kong: The buffering role of group concentration. Cities, 137, 104326.  

Gao, S., Chan, K. L., Chen, S., & Zhong, H*. (2023). Bullying victimization and depression among left-behind adolescents in rural China: Roles of hopelessness and grit. School Mental Health, 15(3), 754–764.  

Kwok, K. O.*, Wei, W. I., McNeil, E. B., Tang, A., Tang, J. W. T., Wong, S. Y. S., & Yeoh, E. K. (2023). Comparative analysis of symptom profile and risk of death associated with infection by SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in Hong Kong. medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.05.25.23289996  

Lam, K. W. K., Zhong, H.*, & Gu, G. Y. (2023). Classic assimilation, self-selection and parent status: An analysis of the central-local political trust among highly educated Mainland migrants in Hong Kong. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 32(1), 83–104.  

Leung, C. L. K., Wei, W. I., Li K. K., McNeil, E. B., Tang, A., Wong, S. T. S., & Kwok, K. O.* (2023). Revisiting vaccine hesitancy in residential care homes for the elderly for pandemic preparedness: A lesson from COVID-19. Vaccine, 11(11), 1700.  

Li, K. C. Y., Leung, J. L. C., Ng, M. K.*, Leung, C. W. Y., Yeung, A. T. C., Cheng, A.C. H. Tieben, H, & Kwan, M. P. (2023). Sense of Place, subjective well-being, and the influence of housing and neighbourhood: A comparative study of two marginalised districts in Hong Kong. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 4, 100153.  

Shen. J.* (2023). Modelling the roles of visitor flows and returning migrants in the spatial diffusion of COVID-19 from Wuhan city in China. Applied Geography, 155, 102971.  

Steffensmeier, D., Schwartz, J., Slepicka, J., & Zhong, H.*. (2023). Twenty-first century trends in girls’ violence and the gender gap: Triangulated findings from official and unofficial longitudinal sources. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(17–18), 9818–9844.  

Teo, S. S. K., Chung, C. K. L.*, & Wang, Z. (2023). Theorising (with) urban China, across the border: Two sides of the same coin. Dialogues in Human Geography. DOI: 10.1177/20438206231195670  

Tong, Y.*, & Li, J. X. (2023). Gender egalitarian attitudes in family roles and ability, study time, and the academic performance of rural Chinese adolescents. Chinese Sociological Review. DOI: 10.1080/21620555.2023.2256022  

Tong, Y.*, & Gan, Y. (2023). The expanding search for work: The gender gap in livelihood choices among the rural Chinese, from 1989 to 2015. Rural Sociology, 88(3), 818–855.  

Wang, C., Shen, J.*, Liu, Y., & Lin, L. (2023). Border effect on migrants’ settlement pattern: Evidence from China. Habitat International, 136, 102813.  

Xia, L. L. L., Wong, M. M. C., Ma, J. L. C., & Wan, P. S.* (2023). The family structural and socioeconomic characteristics of the family well-being of Hong Kong people. International Journal of Social Welfare. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12627.  

Economic Growth & Distribution

Gong, H., & Xi, C*. (2023). Discretion on company registration in the transfer of shareholders in a limited company: Experience from Hong Kong and examples for mainland China. Law and Economy, 4, 23–34. (In Chinese)  

Xi, C.* (2023). Related party transactions and the majority-of-the minority-rule: Data-driven evidence from China and implications for Europe. Journal of Business Law, 4, 309–336.  

Technological Development & Innovation

Chiu, T. K. F.* (2023). The impact of Generative AI (GenAI) on practices, policies and research direction in education: A case of ChatGPT and Midjourney. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2023.2253861  

Chiu, T. K. F.* (2023). Using self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student STEM interest and identity development. Instructional Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-023-09642-8  

Chiu, T. K. F.*, & Li, Y. (2023). How can emerging technologies impact STEM education? Journal for STEM Education Research. DOI: 10.1007/s41979-023-00113-w  

Moorhouse, B. L., Kohnke, L., & Chiu, T. K. F.* (2023). Developing a context- and subject-specific professional digital competence framework for beginning English language teachers in Hong Kong. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. DOI: 10.1007/s40299-023-00778-2  

Qi, Y., and Xi, C.* (2023). China’s regulation of cross-border data flows: Approaches, mechanisms, and instruments. Journal of National Law University Delhi, 9, 21–38.  

Sanusi, I. T., Ayanwale, M. A., & Chiu, T. K. F.*. (2023). Investigating the moderating effects of social good and confidence on teachers’ intention to prepare school students for artificial intelligence education, Education and Information Technologies. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-12250-1  

Wang, H., Kwok, K. O.*, & Riley, S. (2023). Forecasting influenza incidence as an ordinal variable using machine learning. medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.09.23285705  

Wang, H., Kwok, K. O.*, Li, R., & Riley, S. (2023). Forecasting regional-level COVID-19 hospitalisation in England as an ordinal variable using the machine learning method. medRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2023.10.17.23297138  

Xia, Q., Chiu, T. K. F.*, & Chai, C. S. (2023). The moderating effects of gender and need satisfaction on self-regulated learning through Artificial Intelligence (AI). Education and Information Technologies, 28, 8691–8713.  

Xia, Q., Chiu, T. K. F.*, & Li, X. (2023). A scoping review of BCIs for learning regulation in mainstream educational contexts. Behaviour and Information Technology. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2023.2241559  

Zhang, M., Ng, F. F. F., Hong, Y. Y.*, Wei, J., Liu, R., & Chan, S. L. (2023). My child and I: Self-and child-reference effects among parents with self-worth contingent on children’s performance. Memory, 31(9), 1244–1257.  

Environmental Planning & Sustainability

Li, C., Ng, M. K.*, Xu, Y., & Yow, T. C. (2023). Environmental justice and ecological civilization in the Pearl River Delta, China. Eurasian Geography and Economics. DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2023.2220340  

Pan, M., Ng, M. K.*, & Xu, Y. (2023). Reassembling local-regional industrial networks towards sustainability: An evolving “eco-transformation arena” in a Chinese industrial district. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2023.2196371  

Sambasivam, B., & Xu, Y.* (2023). Reducing solar PV curtailment through demand-side management and economic dispatch in Karnataka, India. Energy Policy, 172, 113334.  

Sharma, T., & Xu, Y.* (2023). Domestic and international CO2 source-sink matching for decarbonizing India’s electricity. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 174, 105824.  

Xu, J., & Chung, C. K. L.* (2023). Of scale and discourse: China’s ecological civilization and the struggle for development in Anshun. Urban Geography. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2023.2243141  

Xu, Y.*, & Sharma, T. (2023). Explaining expedited energy transition toward renewables by COVID-19 in India. Energy Policy, 165, 112986.  

Zhou, Z., Chung, C. K. L.*, & Xu, J. (2023). Geographies of green industries: The interplay of firms, technologies, and the environment. Progress in Human Geography, 47(5), 680–698.  

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