Provision of concept and design for the Garden of Health: Walking Trail, Pavilion of Harmony, Exhibition Hall and the Chinese Herbal Garden.
Supporting the Grace Rehabilitation Service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong to conduct a community project entitled “Healthier Bone for Beautiful Community”. Our Innovative Herbal Formula for the prevention of osteoporosis will be used by handicapped groups and their carers. The project is supported by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, commencing in July 2017. The processes and results would be scheduled into the Community Research involvement of the Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine.
Supporting the Enlighten Centre of Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong, to conduct a community project on Methamphetamine Addiction. The project includes case profilings and special withdrawal rehabilitations using an innovative herbal formula invented by the Centre for Clinical Trials on Chinese Medicine. The Research component of the Project will be guided by experts in the Psychiatric Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The project is supported by the Beat Drugs Fund, commencing in July 2017.
“Developing Hong Kong into a Chinese Medicine International Platform for Chinese Medicine Development– A careful Study”.
Special Interests of Local Food Industry and Restaurants
Our exhibition booth on Medicinal is well known for winning special prize
Year | Topic |
2024 | 藥用花草 - 榮獲最具環保意念獎 |
2023 | 藥用花草 - 榮獲最具特色大獎 |
2017 | 防治都市病的香港中草藥 |
2016 | 香港具有開發價值中草藥 |
2015 | 春季養生中草藥 |
2014 | 食療養生 |
2013 | 藥食同源 |
2012 | 中薬資源可持續發展 |
2011 | 延緩衰老中草薬 |
2010 | 醫食同源 |
2009 | 薬用花草 |
2008 | 滋補食療 頑症 |
2007 | 抗癌薬草 |
2006 | 抗流感中草藥 |
The International Conference and Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine and Health Products
Year | Topic |
2018 | ICMCM 2018 |
2017 | ICMCM 2017 |
2016 | ICMCM 2016 |
2015 | ICMCM 2015 |
2014 | ICMCM 2014 |
2013 | ICMCM 2013 |
2012 | ICMCM 2012 |
2011 | ICMCM 2011 |
2010 | ICMCM 2010 |
2009 | ICMCM 2009 |
2008 | ICMCM 2008 |
2007 | ICMCM 2007 |
2006 | ICMCM 2006 |
2005 | ICMCM 2005 |
2004 | ICMCM 2004 |
2003 | ICMCM 2003 |
2002 | ICMCM 2002 |