Childhood Bilingualism
- Yip, V. & S. Matthews. 2007. The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [book website]

Journal Articles & Book Chapters
- Yip, V. and S. Matthews. 2007. Relative Clauses in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children: Typological Challenges and Processing Motivations. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 29: 277-300
- Yip, V. and S. Matthews. 2006. Assessing language dominance in bilingual acquisition: a case for mean length utterance differentials. Language Assessment Quarterly. 3(2), 97–116
- Yip, V. and S. Matthews. 2005. Dual input and learnability: null objects in Cantonese-English bilingual children. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, ed. James Cohen, Kara T. McAlister, Kellie Rolstad, and Jeff MacSwan, 2421-2431. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Yip, V. 2006. Early bilingual acquisition in the Chinese context. In Li P., L-H .Tan, E. Bates & O. Tzeng. (eds.) Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics (Vol.1). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 148-162.
- Yip, V. 2004. 粵英雙語兒童早期的語法發展《當代語言學》第一期, 1-18 頁.
"Early syntactic development in Cantonese-English bilingual children" Contemporary Linguistics 6.1.1-18. - Matthews, S. & V. Yip. 2002. "Relative Clauses in Early Bilingual Development: Transfer and Universals," in A. Giacalone (ed.), Typology and Second Language Acquisition. Mouton de Gruyter. See online review of the book by Malcolm Finney
- Matthews, S. & V. Yip. 2001. "The Structure and Stratification of Relative Clauses in Contemporary Cantonese," in H. Chappell (ed.), Sinitic Grammar:Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 266-281.
- Yip, V. & S. Matthews. 2000."Syntactic Transfer in a Cantonese-English Bilingual Child" Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 3.3.193-208.
Chinese Languages
- Yip, V. & S. Matthews. 2001. Intermediate Cantonese: a Grammar and Workbook. London: Routledge. (eBook is available) See online review by Blaine Erickson
- Yip, V. & S. Matthews. 2000. Basic Cantonese: a Grammar and Workbook. London: Routledge. (eBook is available) See review by Fang Yew-Jin (2001). Asian Studies Review 25.3.379-381.
- Yip, V. 1995. Interlanguage and Learnability: from Chinese to English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Matthews, S & V. Yip. 1994. Cantonese: a Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge. (eBook is available)
- The Japanese translation of Cantonese: a Comprehensive Grammar by Matthews and Yip (London: Routledge1994) 廣東語文法 is translated by Eiichi Chishima 千島英一 and Shin Kataoka 片岡新 2000
- Reviews of Matthews and Yip (1994) include the following:
Samuel H-N. Cheung (1996) International Review of Chinese Linguistics Vol.1.1:129-133
Alain Peyraube (1996) International Review of Chinese Linguistics
Vol. 1.1.: 126-128 [in French]
Hugh Baker (1996) School of Oriental and African Studies Bulletin
pp. 182-184.
Gisela Bruche-Schulz (1996) Cahiers de Lingusitique-Asie Orientale
JeroenWiedenhof (1996) Glot International Vol.2.3:19.
Marjorie Chan (1998) Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association Vol.33.3:97-106. (online review by Marjorie Chan
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
- Matthews, S. and V. Yip. 2008. Passive, unaccusative and pretransitive constructions in Chaozhou. In Djamouri, R., B. Meisterernst and R. Sybesma (eds). Chinese Linguistics in Leipzig, pp.163-174. Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Paris.
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The Hong Kong Bilingual Child Language Corpus
The Hong Kong Child Second Language Corpus (ongoing)
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- Chan, A., V. Yip and S. Matthews. 2008. Bilingual children's comprehension of double object constructions in Cantonese and English. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA.
- Chan, A., S. Matthews and V. Yip. 2008. Hong Kong children's comprehension of relative clauses in Cantonese, English and Mandarin. Paper presented at the Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood, Hong Kong.
- Yip, V. 2007. The logical problem of bilingual acquisition. Keynote speech delivered at the International Symposium of Bilingualism (ISB6), University of Hamburg, Germany. May 30- June 2.
- Yip, V. 2004. "Bilingual Child Language Acquisition." Keynote speech delivered at the First National Symposium on Second Language Acquisition at the Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 5-6 January . (handout available)
- Yip, V. 2002. "Early Syntactic Development in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children." (available in Chinese and English) Keynote speech delivered at the 9th International Symposium on Contemporary Linguistics in China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, PRC.
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Interview with Cheung Hung Nin Samuel 張洪年 (Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK)
- features the benefits of biliteracy and trilingualism for children (兩文三語對兒童的好處)
Interview with Brian MacWhinney (Director of CHILDES):
(Part 1) / (Part 2) / (Chinese Pidgin English)
- features the evolution of CHILDES and the construction of bilingual corpora
Chinese Pidgin English
- features a dialogue spoken in Chinese Pidgin English
Book Website of "The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact"
- features audio-visual materials that illustrate the examples in the book