We construct longitudinal bilingual corpora by collecting naturalistic speech data from children
- who are exposed to Cantonese and English simultaneously in early childhood
- who acquire English or Cantonese as a second language
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Experimental Psycholinguistics
How do Hong Kong children process words and sentences in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin? We conduct experiments to investigate their comprehension and production.
Research Projects
- Hong Kong Children's Acquisition of Complex Constructions in Cantonese, English and Mandarin
- Transitive Constructions
- Dative Constructions
- Relative Clauses
- A Receptive Vocabulary Test for Hong Kong Children's Mandarin
Collaborator: Kathy Lee (Division of Speech Therapy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and The Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) - Relationship between Lexical and Grammatical Competence in Hong Kong Children's Cantonese, English and Mandarin
- Children's Role Assignment in Cantonese Dative Constructions: Methodological and Syntactic Perspectives
Collaborator: Caroline Rowland (University of Liverpool)
Cantonese and Other Chinese Languages
How do studies in language acquisition and Chinese grammar inform and inspire each other? We study the grammar of Cantonese, Mandarin and other Chinese languages systematically from cross-linguistic, processing, and developmental perspectives.
Back to Top- Computer-Aided Second Language Learning Through Speech-Based Human-Computer Interactions 2009-2011, CUHK Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering in the area of Multimedia Technologies 2009
PI: Helen Meng (CUHK, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management)
Co-I: Pauline Lee (CUHK, Independent Learning Centre), Virginia Yip (CUHK), Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages) - From Lexicon to Syntax in Childhood Bilingualism. RGC Ref. No. GRF 2110163 2009-2011
PI : Virginia Yip (CUHK), Co-I: Stephen Matthews (HKU), Li Ping (Penn. State University) - Rethinking Cantonese Grammar: typology, processing and acquisition. RGC Ref. no: HKU7482/07H 2008-2009
- Charting Childhood Bilingualism. CUHK Focused Investment Scheme 2007-2009
PI: Virginia Yip (CUHK) - Lexical Development in Bilingual Children. CUHK Direct Grant 2007-2008
PI : Virginia Yip (CUHK) - Childhood Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition in Hong Kong Children. RGC Ref. No. CUHK4692/05H 2006-2008
PI: Virginia Yip (CUHK), Co-I: Stephen Matthews (HKU), Yasuhiro Shirai (Cornell University) - Parsing Principles and Constituent Order in Cantonese. RGC Ref. No. 7258/04H 2004-2006
PI: Stephen Matthews (HKU), Co-I: Elaine Francis (Purdue), Conrad Perry (HKU) and Virginia Yip (CUHK) - Cognitive and Brain Processing of the Chinese Language, RGC Central Allocation: 2003-2006
PI: Li-Hai Tan (HKU) Co-I: C. Perry (HKU), J. Spinks (HKU), G. Shen (UT San Antonio), V. Yip (CUHK) & P. Fox (UT San Antonio). - Multimedia Perspectives On Bilingual Development, 2002-05
PI:V. Yip Co-I: S. Matthews - A Cantonese-English Bilingual Child Language Corpus, 1997-2000
PI: V.Yip, Co-I: S.Matthews (HKU)
Funding Sources

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Our research is supported by parents, kindergartens and schools in the local community. If you are in charge of a local nursery/playgroup/kindergarten/primary school, or you are a parent or a guardian, and would like your children to take part in our projects, you are very welcome to contact us. Thank you!
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