講者:化學部 譚蔚泓院士
講題:The Foundation of Molecular Medicine:
A Chemical Biology Approach
摘要:A full understanding of the molecular basis of diseases depends on the development of molecular probes able to recognize disease targets of interest. Until very recently, such tools have been absent from the clinical practice of medicine. The newest molecular probe, and one that holds most promise, is a new class of designer nucleic acids, termed aptamers, which are single-stranded DNA/RNA able to recognize specific targets, such as single proteins and even small molecules. Recently, we applied a simple, fast and reproducible cell-based aptamer selection strategy called Cell-SELEX which uses whole, intact cells as the target for aptamer selection. This selection process then generates multiple aptamers for the specific recognition of biological cells, but without the need for prior knowledge about the signature of target cell-surface molecules. The selected aptamers have dissociation constants in the nanomolar to picomolar range. Thus far, we have selected aptamer probes for many different diseases, and used them to carry out studies at the vanguard of biomedical science, including ultrasensitive detection of tumors, molecular imaging, targeted drug delivery, and, most critically, cancer biomarker discovery. Taken together, these molecular level tools form a solid scientific platform from which to pursue advanced studies in molecular medicine. We will report our most recent progress in this exciting research area, especially in molecular engineering, nanomedicine and molecular elucidation of cancer biomarkers and theranostics.
講者:化學部 郭子建院士
講題:Chemical Biology of Metals and Metallodrugs
講者:生命科學和醫學學部 劉耀光院士
摘要:水稻細胞質雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility, CMS)與恢復基因的功能互作是是三系雜交稻育種的遺傳基礎。我們克隆了在雜交稻廣泛利用的野敗型(Wild Abortive)細胞質雄性不育基因WA352和恢復基因Rf3與Rf4。發現WA352是由多個功能未知的線粒體基因片段重組而成;揭示了WA352通過與細胞核編碼的線粒體蛋白COX11互作導致花藥絨氈層提前降解而花粉敗育,Rf3與Rf4在蛋白水準和mRNA水準抑制WA352功能而恢復育性的分子機制。我們對大量野生稻和栽培稻材料的線粒體基因組進行序列分析,發現了11種與WA352相關的線粒體基因重組結構。通過序列相似性比較,轉基因功能分析、回交轉育驗證、以及蛋白互作分析,解析了這些重組結構的起源進化路徑,並發現了3個新的CMS基因。證明這些新基因是由2個結構與WA352相似但沒有CMS功能的原基因(protogene)通過序列變異,獲得了與COX11的互作能力即功能化演化而來。本研究提出了植物線粒體基因組的“動態重組--原基因形成--序列變異--功能基因生成”的新基因起源進化模型。該成果將有助於瞭解CMS基因和恢復基因協同進化和互作的分子機理,這些新CMS基因材料將擴展雜交稻育種的種質資源。
講者:生命科學和醫學學部 種康院士
講題:Insight into cold sensing and its potential in rice breeding
摘要:Environmental factors such as low temperature directly affect crops production. Therefore, the mechanism underlying the adaptation to low temperature is of great significance to provide the basis of theory in guidingfarming practices.Thusdissecting the mechanism of perception of low temperatureand counting dosage of low temperature is the key issue to solve this scientific problem. We have isolated a major QTL COLD1 to enhance chilling tolerance in rice, which is the key gene to sensing low temperature. COLD1 encodes a regulator of G-protein signaling and it interacts with the G-protein α subunit RGA1 to sense cold to activate the Ca2+ channel for active defense system.Based on the genomic analysis of 112 accessions of rice, we found that the chilling-tolerant allele originated from the Chinese O. rufipogon populations and was subject to strong human selection during japonica domestication. We also found that the rice MADS-box transcription factor OsMADS57 cooperating with its interaction protein OsTB1 regulated the cold tolerance in rice, which has the molecular switching characteristic to balance organogenesis and defense responses. We also elucidated the mechanism ofthe interaction between vernalization response protein VER2 and RNA binding protein TaGRP2 in regulatingwheat vernalization. The crosstalk between phosphorylation modification and O-GlcNAcylation modification regulated the interaction of VER2 and TaGRP2 andmodulated the transcription of keyvernalization response genes affecting flowering in winter wheat. The above researches provide important theoretical basis and targets of action for the molecular design and breeding of crop varieties.
講者:數學物理學部 陳志明院士
摘要:我們將介紹電磁散射和反散射問題建模和計算中的若干數學方法,包括輻射邊界條件、吸收邊界條件、完全匹配層方法、波源轉移演算法和逆時偏移演算法的基本思想和最新進展。報告的目的是想以電磁場計算為例,介紹數學是如何在解決現實世界的問題中起作用的。 |