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New Paper: Proteomic Analysis of Nucleus Pulposus Cell-derived Extracellular Matrix Niche and Its Effect on Phenotypic Alteration of Dermal Fibroblasts

In this study, we use our collagen microsphere system as a 3D in vitro model to study cell niche factors, contributing to future understanding of cellular interactions at the cell-niche interface and rationalized scaffold design for tissue engineering.

Check out the published paper here:

New Paper: Preferential sensing and response to microenvironment stiffness of human dermal fibroblast cultured on protein micropatterns fabricated by 3D multiphoton biofabrication

In this work, protein micropillar arrays with independently controllable stiffness and elastic modulus were fabricated using a recently developed multiphoton-based 3D protein micro-patterning technology. Human dermal fibroblasts were cultured on these micropillar arrays, and the specific interactions between cells and the protein micropatterns, particularly the formation and maturation of the cell-matrix adhesions, were investigated.

Check out the published paper here:

New Paper: Dynamic cyclic compression modulates the chondrogenic phenotype in human chondrocytes from late stage osteoarthritis

In this work, we applied cyclic compression loading on cultured human osteoarthritic chondrocytes (hOAC)-collagen constructs and measured the expression of the major chondrogenic factors, cell-matrix interaction molecules and matrix degradation enzymes. Our results show that dynamic compression loading stimulates the expression and nuclear localization of Sox9 in hOACs and reduces the catabolic events via downregulated expression of collagenases.

Check out the published paper here: