Most cervical cancer is caused by persistent HPV infection. HPV self-sampling test enables women to take a self-collected cervico-vaginal sample at home for HPV testing.
HPV self-sampling is a reliable screening tool, which can overcome the barriers to Pap smear screening. It is easy to perform, convenient and time saving.
Women aged 25-64 years who have ever had sex should receive cervical cancer screening every three years after two annual consecutive normal screenings. Women aged below 25 years who have previously had sex, should seek advice from doctors concerning the need for cervical cancer screening.
Apart from tackling the risk factors,three approved HPV vaccines in Hong Kong: Cervarix®,Gardasil-4® and Gardasil-9® are recommended. Cervarix® is approved for used in female from the age of 9 years, whereas Gardasil-4® and Gardasil-9® were approved for use in both female and male from the age of 9 years. Women who are interested in being vaccinated should seek further advice from doctors.
Yes. The vaccines that are currently available protect against the two most common oncogenic HPV types (i.e. HPV16, 18), which are responsible for only 70% of all cervical cancers. Therefore, regular cervical screening is still required after vaccination, for the best possible protection against cervical cancer.


  • Address:

    2/F, School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

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    +852 2252 8408

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    +852 2606 3500