
Message from Director

I am very delighted to welcome you to the School of Continuing Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), CUHK is a research-oriented institution. However, its mission does include academic services to the society as a whole. As an extension arm of CUHK, the School has the prime and distinct mission of providing high quality continuing and professional education to meet changing community needs.

In support of the HKSAR Government's initiative to increase and diversify higher education opportunities for senior secondary school leavers, this School offers a variety of associate degree programmes including Business, Computing, Theology, Logistics Management, Recreation and Leisure Studies, and Hospitality and Tourism Management. Aiming at whole-person development, these programmes advocate broad-based curriculum, development of multiple intelligence, and specialisation in a chosen field of study. In designing these programmes, we have the full support of CUHK faculty members in providing expert advice and professional comments. Through the integrated learning approach, graduates of these associate degree programmes will be well-versed in English and Chinese languages, IT knowledge, quantitative and analytical skills, and Eastern and Western cultures. Furthermore, they will be well equipped with solid academic training and practical knowledge in one of the above specialised fields. All these are essential foundations to succeed in further studies or career development in a knowledge-based society.

I look forward to your joining our associate degree programmes.

Victor Lee


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