

Specialisation Courses

TH1211 Introduction to New Testament

This Course is a survey of the New Testament Church, its life, faith and literature within the context of the Mediterranean world. Throughout this Course students will be expected to be familiar with the contents of the Bible.

TH1212 Introduction to the Hebrew Scripture

This Course is a survey of the history of the Hebrew people from the times of the Patriarchs to the beginning of the Christian era within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world. This historical survey will also introduce students to the life, the faith and literature of the Hebrew people. Throughout this Course students will be expected to be familiar with the contents of the Bible.

TH1221 General History of Christianity

This Course covers briefly the historical development of Christianity. By highlighting those significant figures, events and movements in their wider historical context within this scope, this Course serves to give a panoramic perspective for further study in the history of Christianity.

TH1231 Systematic Theology I

This Course is an introduction to the nature and methodologies of Christian theology, with particular attention to the historical creeds of the Christian churches.

TH1232 Approaches to Theology

This Course is a survey of the definitions and divisions of theology, sources and criteria of doing theology, methods of theology, theological language as well as the relationship between and other disciplines.

TH2211 Biblical Theology

This Course covers exegetical study of Old Testament and the New Testament passages and their implication for contemporary church and society.

TH2221 Christian Social Thought

This Course is a survey of the social teachings of the Christian Churches, examining the theological basis of different positions.

TH2222 Early and Medieval Church

This Course covers the historical development of Christian thoughts and institutions in the Patristic and Medieval periods.

TH2231 Systematic Theology II

This Course is a survey of the Christian doctrines of God, Jesus Christ, the human nature, the Holy Spirit, the Church and the last things. Attention will also be given to the development of theology in the modern world.

TH2232 Christian Ethics

This Course covers an introduction to the nature and theological foundation of ethics, ethical method and language.

TH2223 Issues Facing Churches Today#

This Course examines the issues facing the church in relation to the ideologies, religions, and cultural and sociological conditions in the contemporary world with special emphasis on the process of secularization, modernization and urbanization.

TH2233 Modern Christian Thinkers#

This Course consists of an in-depth study of the religious thought of one eminent modern Christian theologian. Special reference will be made to the significance of his or her thought for the Asian context, no matter whether the theologian selected is an Asian theologian or a Western theologian.

Generic Courses

Foundation Courses


# Elective Specialisation Course


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