

Generic Courses

EN1101 English Language I

This Course aims at consolidating students' English foundation, Students will be guided to concentrate on developing their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The use of dictionaries, an essential but often-overlooked aspect of language learning, is included to facilitate their improvement of English skills. Other areas given special attention include polysemy of common words, phrasal verbs, preposition, idioms, building vocabulary, choices of words, reading skills, and practical skills in speaking. Particular focus will be placed on understanding conversational English to help students overcome inhibition about speaking English. Upon completion of this Course, it is expected that students will be able to raise their English skills to a higher level.

EN2101 English Language II

This Course builds on the provision of English Language I to further improve students1 overall competence in English and to provide them with a solid foundation and a smooth transition into their more academic programme. In addition to further development in areas covered in English Language I, special focus will be placed on academic writing, business writing, and on-line communication skills required for work purposes and further study. The aspect of cultural knowledge is also included to facilitate communication with native speakers of English. Upon completion of this Course, it is expected that students will become more capable and independent English language learners and be able to demonstrate their abilities to use appropriate spoken and written language and communication skills in a wide range of cultural, social and academic contexts.

CHI101 Chinese Language I 中國語文 I


CH2101 Chinese Language II 中國語文 II

本課程為銜接中國語文 I 課程而設,讓學員在掌握基礎漢語常識後,通過評講、剖析實例,增強學員在聽、說、讀、寫等四方面的綜合運用語文能力。本課程分為兩部分:口語傳意技巧及商用中文。第一部分旨在培訓學員口語及口頭報告的表達能力,通過講解句式的選擇、聆聽理論,讓學員在日常應對上能夠言簡意賅,避免冗詞贅句。第二部分通過講解應用文的基本寫作原則、格式要求,並以常見的公文謬誤作教材,全面提升寫作商用文類的能力。

Specialisation Courses

Foundation Courses



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