Policy Research @ HKIAPS is an interdisciplinary platform established in January 2018 by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies to advance high-quality research on public policies, to promote collaboration between the academic and policymaking communities, and to translate academic research by CUHK researchers into public policies and research impact.
Our Vision
To become an internationally recognized research body characterized by excellence in policy research at the global, regional, and local levels that contributes to decision-making and governance |
To establish CUHK as a key opinion leader in recommendations on strategic policy directions for Hong Kong and the region through sustainable socioeconomic development |
Our Mission
To develop cross-boundary and interdisciplinary collaboration on policy research that will support and increase the participation of CUHK researchers in policy pathways at the local, national, and international levels and enhance their research impact |
To facilitate outreach networks linking CUHK academic staff and promising students with research units and think tanks along the Belt and Road regions and local policy stakeholders |
To provide public and private organizations with evidence-based and practical policy recommendations on key challenges confronting Hong Kong, China, and the region that will enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong and improve the wellbeing of its people |
To build the research and analytical capacities of Hong Kong scholars and students on social issues, the addressing of which will contribute to the emergence of young leaders |
To enhance CUHK’s social visibility and reputation by disseminating research-based information and analysis to policymakers and the public in a user-friendly format |