Policy Research @ HKIAPS: A New Policy Research Platform at CUHK
Welcome to our website!
We hope this website will facilitate you in understanding more about Policy Research @ HKIAPS. This website is a gateway to the sphere of social policies initiated by CUHK scholars.
Who are we?
We are delighted to announce the launching of the new policy research platform titled “Policy Research @ HKIAPS” at the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) in January 2018.
Policy Research @ HKIAPS is a university-wide research platform hosted by the HKIAPS. It initiates and supports international, regional, and local policy research by consolidating and strengthening the existing capacity of public policy research at the HKIAPS.
Established in 1990, the HKIAPS has built a solid reputation and public image in the areas of social science and policy research in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region. The works are disseminated extensively and we have established networks with universities, research institutes, and think-tanks around the globe.
Our goals
The aim behind the platform is to establish CUHK as a key opinion leader in strategic policy recommendations and to generate impacts in Hong Kong and the region.
The platform promotes the translation of academic research by CUHK researchers into public policies and research impact. We are developing cross-boundary and interdisciplinary collaboration on policy research that will support and increase the participation of CUHK researchers in policy pathways at the local, national, and international levels.
Our research clusters
The work of the platform will focus on five clusters:
- National strategy and implementation
- Sociodemographic change and wellbeing
- Economic growth and distribution
- Technological development and innovation
- Environmental planning and sustainability
Be a part of it!
A series of conferences, seminars, policy forums, and training workshops will be organized to engage researchers and strengthen local and international connectivities. Local and comparative surveys and studies will be conducted to provide evidence-based policy research and recommendations.
We invite you to explore our Policy Research @ HKIAPS website and the HKIAPS website to obtain more information on our current work and new endeavours.
CUHK faculty members are encouraged to take part: the platform focuses on capacity building for policy research at CUHK. You are welcome to join us in heightening our research impact and in contributing to society at the same time.
The continuous collaboration and support from our partners and friends are appreciated, and we look forward to more stimulating interdisciplinary and multinational scholarly exchanges on the policy research platform in the future!
Fanny M. Cheung
Victor W. T. Zheng
Co-Convenors, Policy Research @ HKIAPS