On Belt and Road Initiative
A review of the global competitiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (30/31 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
A bounty of benefits, thanks to “BRI factor”  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (20 February 2019, China Daily, Global edition, pp. 1, 3) |
Five-year review of the Belt and Road Initiative: Analysis of infrastructure (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Unleash the competitiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative and put into full play Hong Kong’s advantages in finance (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (3 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A25) |
History offers a lesson for critics of new rail link  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 September 2018, South China Morning Post, p. A11) |
Cancellation of the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur High Speed Rail sends China’s railway diplomacy down the wrong track (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Yik-tung Yu (5 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24) |
Non-financial factors in the competition over high-speed rail between China and Japan (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Yik-tung Yu (11 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26) |
The United States will be the greatest concern of the Belt and Road Initiative in the next five years (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A20) |
On China’s Foreign Affairs
The Sino-US “New Cold War”: Challenges and opportunities for Hong Kong (in Chinese) |
By Yun-wing Sung* (23 May 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A13) |
Is the US strategy for China a suboptimal choice? (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (18 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A34) |
Traps will be stopped by the wise: The right path for Sino-US relations (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (12 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A25) |
From the “yellow peril discourse” of a century ago to the “China threat discourse” of today (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (23 November 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33) |
On Greater Bay Area
Developing the innovation and technology industry will gain the support of the people (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B16) |
Supplementary suggestions on the blueprint in the Policy Address for the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (10 January 2023, Master Insights) |
Practical suggestions on a blueprint for the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (3 January 2023, Master Insights) |
Workable Suggestions on the Blueprint for the Development of the Chinese Medicine Industry (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (3 November 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Comments on the Blueprint for the Development of the Chinese Medicine Industry Laid Out in the Policy Address (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (25 October 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A20) |
For migrant workers in Guangdong and Hong Kong many are over-qualified for their jobs (in Chinese)  |
By Dongshu Ou* (4 August 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Establishing an integrity system to strengthen Chinese medicine brands in Hong Kong and the Mainland (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (29 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
“Removing barriers” to establishing factory regulations and registering pharmaceutical products (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (28 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Overcoming the bottlenecks of Hong Kong’s integration into the GBA (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (6 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Reflections on Hong Kong’s integration into the GBA: Constraints and breakthroughs (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (5 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Visualizing entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area: Think again and imagine the future (in Chinese) |
By Kevin Au & Sally K. W. Lo* (22 June 2022, HK01) |
Innovation and technology development and university collaboration in the Bay area: Challenges and support (in Chinese) |
By Fanny M. Cheung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (23 May 2022, HK01) |
The public broadly recognizes the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area; the shutdowns are hindering them from exploring prospects there (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (17 February 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10) |
Smart sustainable development 1: Visions and implementation-driven efforts towards smart sustainability in Shenzhen (in Chinese) |
By Mee-kam Ng* & Yuanzhou Tang (23 March 2022, HK01) |
Smart sustainable development 2: Shenzhen becoming China's 'Silicon Valley' and its implications for Hong Kong (in Chinese) |
By Mee-kam Ng* & Yuanzhou Tang (23 March 2022, HK01) |
Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area: The attitudes of and the way out for Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 48, pp. 46–49) |
The characteristics and functions of Hong Kong in the Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)  |
By Jianfa Shen* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 47, pp. 66–69) |
Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: An analysis of the opinions of Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Hua Guo* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 45, pp. 18–23) |
Hong Kong youth become positive about moving to the Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (8 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Cooperation coexists with competition in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)  |
By Jianfa Shen* (13 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22) |
The development of the Greater Bay Area will not affect “One Country, Two Systems” (in Chinese)  |
By Jianfa Shen* (7 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A25) |
Challenging move  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (30 May 2018, South China Morning Post, p. A11) |
On National Identity
Identity politics has become an important card in future voter mobilization efforts (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (21 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19) |
Local-born voters are more likely to identify with localist groups (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (1/2 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A12) |
A sense of belonging to the local community is not the source of generational differences (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (21 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A23) |
Reviewing the national identity of Hong Kong people from the historical experience of the Imperial Examination System (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (28 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33) |
On “One Country, Two Systems”
Will the declining proportion of new young voters benefit the pro-establishment camp in the long run? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (28 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A16) |
The younger that immigrants are when they migrate to Hong Kong, the closer their votes are to those of local-born people (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (15/16 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A12) |
Are post-1997 immigrants from mainland China more inclined towards the pro-establishment camp? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (8/9 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A14) |
The deterrence of and awe for the Hong Kong National Security Law (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (5 August 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08) |
Will voters take into account the overall situation and vote less sincerely? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (24 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A18) |
Does a voter’s political position dominate his/her voting intention? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (17 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19) |
Legislative Council election: How do political parties establish strongholds? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (10 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24) |
The chance of the non-pro-establishment camp winning more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council election (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (24 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08) |
The deterrence posed by the Hong Kong National Security Law (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (10 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08) |
Leaving or staying is not simply a political consideration (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (30/31 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
The function of the Legislative Council in political discussions has retreated (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (5 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
The civil war of the wujian inferno: North Ireland’s yesterday, Hong Kong’s tomorrow? (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (7 October 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |
There is cross-sector consensus in Hong Kong on the practical continuation of “One Country, Two Systems” (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (1 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A15) |
Measuring the social development achievements of Hong Kong: Commemorating the 29th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (30 April 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27) |
People’s worries about “One Country, Two Systems” revealed in a survey (in Chinese) |
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A15) |
Enacting Article 23 of the Basic Law from the perspective of national security (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (14 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31) |
On Regional Integration
A locals-first policy can alleviate Mainland-Hong Kong conflicts (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (14 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A9) |
A conjecture on reunification with Taiwan in 5 to 10 years (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (1 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A34) |
On Education
Population Education and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |
Nurturing STEM talents from K-12 (in Chinese)  |
By Thomas Chiu* & Sally K. W. Lo* (1 April 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Online learning: Rethinking true excellence (in Chinese)  |
By Thomas Chiu & Huimin Liu* (22 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Where do you come from, where do you go? Assessing skills gaps and labour market outcomes of young adults with different immigration backgrounds |
By Alison Cathles, Dongshu Ou*, Simone Sasso, Mary Setrana, & Tom van Veen (2018, CESifo Working Paper No. 7157, Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute, Munich) |
On Gender
Sexual harassment: Male fear of false accusations? (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (8 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
On Governance
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (6): Attracting talent, retaining talent, and sustainable development (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (5): Who is responsible for research and development? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (6 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (4): What is the salary? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (2 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (3): Who is taking the lead? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (23 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (2): Reviewing the retention of talents based on numbers (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (16 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (1): A turning point in immigration policy (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (10 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
The Decline in Political Interest among Hong Kong People is a Cross-political Spectrum Phenomenon (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (12 October 2023, Ming Pao, p. B8) |
Increasing Civic Political Trust and a Weakening Trend of Politicization (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (15 August 2023, Ming Pao, p. B10) |
Political party support slumps, a rethinking of roles is needed (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (6 September 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Listen and respond to public opinion, strengthen public trust in the government (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (26 August 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A26) |
Recommencing from the “middle” (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (21 September 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9) |
Can ‘Hong Kong Vision’ win people’s heart? (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (21 July 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
The current social peace is superficial—the political spectrum is in flux (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (21 May 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B13) |
Vaccination will be a critical battle for the Government to win back public trust (in Chinese)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng (5 February 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30) |
Dissatisfaction toward livelihood policies in the Policy Address is common across all political sectors (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (5 January 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B8) |
Opinions are divided on Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (15 December 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9) |
The pandemic is spreading and society is becoming peaceful? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (17 April 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10) |
Those who are most affected by “laam chow” are ultimately the grassroots (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (25 February 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08) |
Review risk management and rethink the gains and losses from the anti-pandemic actions (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22/23 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
The coronavirus ravages; the HKSAR government missed a timely opportunity and failed to take advantage of “two systems” (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Common ground needs to be sought for legislation, while reserving differences, and changes should not be separated from their origin (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1/2 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
An analysis of public opinions on the 2018 policy address (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng*, Kevin Wong, & Hua Guo* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 43, pp. 26–29) |
Political consensus, consensus on policy, and consensus on scrutiny are vital for legislation (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1/2 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
De-radicalization and the rise of moderate politics (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (1 April 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22) |
The Individual Visit Scheme has weakened the public’s satisfaction with the HKSAR Government (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (14 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
The inextricable mess of the Shatin to Central Link (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
The development of political centrism under Carrie Lam’s administration (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (2018, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 41, pp. 56–59) |
Traffic chaos on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Faster Payment System fraud stem from bureaucratic thinking (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24) |
The policy address does not have youth support (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (20 November 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27) |
It is necessary to set up long-term public policy institutes in Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* (2018, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 39, pp. 66–71) |
On Health
Possible COVID scenarios following the resumption of normal traveller clearance between Hong Kong and the Mainland (in Chinese)  |
By Jianfa Shen* (3 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06) |
A Rational Analysis of “Co-Existence with the Virus” and the “Lying Flat” Trend (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (10 November 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21) |
The key to increasing the vaccination rate is understanding the reasons for citizen reluctance (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (17 August 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10) |
No delay to prevent mental health crisis of Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung*, Po-lin Sung Chan, Ka-wai Yuen, & Chung-hin Wong (19 July 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Vaccination will bring rebirth to our economy (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 July 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A16) |
How to persuade those reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to change their minds? (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (2 July 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B14) |
Personal and social considerations regarding vaccination: Material rewards are not effective incentives (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (8 June 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12) |
Burnout, the unspeakable pain of employees (in Chinese)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung* & Huimin Liu* (19 May 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Why has it been difficult to popularize “LeaveHomeSafe”? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (29 April 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B7) |
Challenges carers face intensifying during the COVID-19 pandemic (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (14 April 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
The critical moment in the imposition of the lockdown (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (30 March 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9) |
Older but wiser: A closer look at how the elderly handle pandemic stress (in Chinese)  |
By Helene H. L. Fung & Huimin Liu* (8 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Everything you need to know about vaccine hesitancy (in Chinese)  |
By Kin-on Kwok* & Huimin Liu* (9 February 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Winning the COVID lies on making right and timely decision (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 February 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Four major directions on low-cost improvements to public toilet hygiene (in Chinese)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (18 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22) |
Creative methods to “nudge” the public on proper ways to use public toilets (in Chinese)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (12 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
A focus on hardware renovation led to the failure of Hong Kong’s public toilet policy (in Chinese)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (4 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21) |
If I die because of COVID-19 (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (14 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Talking about life and death with carers during the pandemic (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (3 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
The “rally ’round the flag effect” under the COVID-19 pandemic (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (8 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06) |
Taking personal action against the pandemic is not a political statement (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (11 May 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06) |
On Housing
There is no need to send the demand for youth home ownership into overdrive (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 March 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B11) |
Addressing the disparity between the rich and the poor, begins with housing (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (23 December 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12) |
Rent controls might not be effective; the fundamental remedy is to increase housing supply (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Kevin Wong (23 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19) |
“No housing speculation” and the “watering down" of property taxes (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (2 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |
Interest rates have not been raised and house prices have not dropped in the past decade (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (31 March 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
A mismatch between demand and supply, rising property prices, and doubts about public support for policies on the residential property market (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
There is public support for increasing the loan-to-value ratio (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng*, Hua Guo*, & Kevin Wong (26 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A31) |
A jackdaw in peacock’s feathers: Adjusting the ratio of public-private flats in Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A20) |
Old wine in a new bottle: The policy address has not solved the difficulties of home ownership (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22) |
It is better to loosen up the secondary housing market rather than to learn strenuously from Singapore (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 September 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24) |
Success of HK housing policies hinges on market segregation  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 August 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 08) |
Are the new housing initiatives a breakthrough for Hong Kong people’s dream of home ownership? A lesson from Singapore (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (3 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
An unconventional view of Carrie Lam’s housing initiative (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (27 July 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
New resale restrictions on HOS flats turns them into a futures product (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (24 July 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
How to solve the housing problem? Public and private options (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 July 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Rethinking the pros and cons of the vacant flats tax (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
Affordability, not land, at root of housing crisis  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 May 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 12) |
Levying a tax on vacant flats is putting the cart before the horse (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Support first-time home buyers by providing extra funding for down payments (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (27 February 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Help people to acquire a home by relaxing mortgage insurance rules (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (26 February 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Government meddling in the property sector must stop  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 February 2018, South China Morning Post, p. B10) |
It’s time to activate the secondary housing market (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A28) |
The way to rebuild a progressive housing ladder (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6/7 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
On Migration and Population
Creating A Livable City is the Way to Attract Talent (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (11 November 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B13) |
Young and middle-aged economically active persons consider emigrating (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (7 October 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B09) |
The attitudes of local residents towards new immigrants and the underlying causes (in Chinese)  |
By Yuying Tong* & Niantao Jiang (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 46, pp. 58–65) |
The sense that localist groups have of belonging to the local community is not very strong; rather, they have plans to emigrate (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (17 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19) |
New challenges from changing demographics: The generation of no siblings (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A23) |
On Social Problem
Lowering property prices can help to alleviate wealth inequality in Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (3 July 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B07) |
Is motherhood a disgrace? Working mothers still face discrimination (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (25 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Where there is a will, there is justice (in Chinese)  |
By Roger Chung & Huimin Liu* (27 April 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
Inequality and disparity in Hong Kong (video)  |
By Fanny M. Cheung* (25 November 2020, Bloomberg) |
Social divisions in Hong Kong: Problems and reflections (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng*, Po-san Wan*, & Kevin Wong (14 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Intergenerational relationships are an important perspective from which to analyse social phenomena (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (1/2 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Are Hong Kong teenagers addicted to social media? (Part 2) (in Chinese)  |
By Esther S. C. Ho* & Anthony Fung* (25/26 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. C4) |
Are Hong Kong teenagers addicted to social media? (Part 1) (in Chinese)  |
By Esther S. C. Ho* & Anthony Fung* (11/12 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. C4) |
Bystander to domestic violence: From good boy to grumpy man (in Chinese)  |
By Ching-man Lam* & Elaine Y. L. Woo (15 January 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. D02) |
On Social Security and Social Welfare
Developing the innovation Industry is also about opening up people’s hearts and minds (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B16) |
Long-term care provision is more than a family affair (in Chinese)  |
By Sally K. W. Lo* (29 October 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22) |
The annual budget is ineffective at addressing rapid changes in society (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng*, and Roger Luk (21 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
Candies before bitter pills? Do not covet the tax deductions for annuity premiums and MPF contributions (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Why is the label of social welfare important and what are the solutions to such labelling? (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (7 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31) |
The government needs exercise foresight on the issue of extending the statutory maternity leave period (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (29 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A20) |
Is the dispute over a universal retirement protection system over? The impact of a Higher Old Age Living Allowance (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (26 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33) |
Generational differences in the controversy over paternity leave (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (28 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A32) |
A comparison of the Central Provident Fund and MPF on poverty alleviation and provision for the aged (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (31 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30) |
The annuity plan gets short shrift as expected (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo & Victor Zheng* (22 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19) |
Myths and facts about the MPF (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18/19 August 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Myths and facts about the HKMC Annuity Plan (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11/12 August 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
On Transport
E-hailing is not the solution to taxi service problems (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 January 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A25) |
On Youth
Reintegration for young offenders in anti-extradition protest (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung*, M. Zhang, & Hiu-fai Mak (2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
An analysis of the problem of high anxiety and low happiness among Hong Kong teenagers (in Chinese)  |
By Esther S. C. Ho* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 47, pp. 48–55) |
A follow-up study on the sense of hope of Hong Kong adolescents (in Chinese)  |
By Esther S. C. Ho* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 44, pp. 8–13) |
On Chinese Medicine
Tapping TCM strengths on a global scale  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (6 March 2019, China Daily, Global edition, pp. 1, 3) |
The strategy for the internationalization of Chinese medicine is to drive the ASEAN market from Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (21 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Inspiration from Hong Kong-US cooperation on the standardization of Chinese medicine (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (8 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Hong Kong should capitalize on its advantages in the branding of Chinese medicine and should embrace regional economic integration (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (25/26 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A11) |
Hong Kong’s Chinese medicine beats the competition from Western Chinese medicine in the Mainland China market (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (19 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22) |
Can Hong Kong’s Chinese medicine industry keep developing? (in Chinese)  |
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (11 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
On Economic Development and Distribution
Comprehensive Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Capital Flows and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (3 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Economic Transformation and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (26 September 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
The idea that “young people have better opportunities for upward mobility” is only the view of the older generation (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (15 May 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10) |
Explaining the poverty line and the poverty situation in Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (11 April 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06) |
The consumption voucher scheme is “better than nothing”. What lies ahead for Hong Kong’s economy? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (3 August 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12) |
The unemployment rate lags: How to prescribe the right medicine? (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 October 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
A new economy to come: Europe and the U.S. make efforts while Hong Kong is still in the mist (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 September 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
A travel bubble will save the economy (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (10 September 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08) |
Industries in dire straits: Rescue efforts need to be more targeted (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (31 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Is the loss of foreign investment real or unreal? (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
An untypical recession and an untraditional recovery (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
A total border lockdown hinders the economy: Variables in economic recovery (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Strict anti-pandemic measures have led to an economic downturn and fiscal deficits are a long way from being eliminated (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (21 April 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
An analysis of the sources of confirmed cases in Hong Kong: The effectiveness of a total border lockdown is limited (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
The lockdown of the Macao border is far less stringent than that of the Hong Kong border: A total border lockdown is not the key factor in the fight against the pandemic (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (24 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16) |
The impact on and reflections of British and American outliers in the era of globalization (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 February 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B09) |
Economic co-prosperity circle: Five major conditions (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 January 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
On how to measure poverty in Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
Chack-kie Wong* (15 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27) |
The relationship between social expenditure, economic competitiveness, and social cohesion (in Chinese)  |
Chack-kie Wong* (4 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
From the Gini coefficient warning line and the French yellow vest movement to Hong Kong’s land policy (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (21 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A28) |
The problem of poverty and wealth disparities in Hong Kong: A comparative perspective of the poverty line (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (17 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30) |
Beware of galloping populism, budget giveaways are addictive (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (5 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
On Finance and Currency
A digital currency prevails and Hong Kong has missed an opportunity (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (24 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
The Sino-U.S. split: The Hong Kong linked exchange rate system has been put on trial (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 June 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
On the Cash Payout Scheme (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 March 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14) |
Save the people’s livelihood by spreading money around, but also manage chaos and stabilize finances (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Credit rating systems should be flexible (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A23) |
Interest margins and the inflow of hot money between Hong Kong and the United States (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (12 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Should Hong Kong continue pegging its currency to the US dollar? (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (25 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26) |
Making the difficult choice between blue chips and red chips: The stock index and the individual share (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
A decade of structural distortions in HKD interest rates (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28/29 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
The structural distortion in HKD interest rates is unconnected with the strength or weakness of the exchange rate (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (27 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21) |
Avoid adopting a piecemeal approach to financial regulation (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
How to understand Singapore’s leadership handover mode? (in Chinese)  |
By Chack-kie Wong* (21 May 2024, Ming Pao, p.B11) |
Generating and accumulating wealth: Developing Hong Kong as global centre for charitable foundation (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* (12 April 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15) |
Reflections on the “George Tan Soon-gin Phenomenon” (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* (9 April 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A14) |
Building Hong Kong into a global centre for charitable foundations (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng (27 March 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15) |
Debunking the claim of a year-by-year decrease in male labor force participation (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 September 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A20) |
How Airbnb survived and thrived during the pandemic (in Chinese)  |
By Maggie R. Hu* & Huimin Liu* (18 January 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15) |
The life experiences of the legendary tycoon Stanley Ho summarized in 10 points (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* (1 June 2020, Yazhou Zhoukan, Vol. 22, pp. 32–33) |
The Individual Visit Scheme has weakened the public’s satisfaction with the HKSAR Government (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (14 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
The model of government supervision and merchant management and its problems (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (29 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
The sharing economy: One man’s meat is another man’s poison (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 September 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Policy for promoting MSMEs modernization towards industry 4.0 in Hong Kong, China  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Michael C. M. Leung (2018, CUHK–APEC Study Centre Working Paper Series No. 02, APEC Study Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) |
The trading of flight slots in mainland China: The policy implications for Hong Kong (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* (12 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21) |
Handing out candies is unnecessary with no pressure on imported inflation (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (8 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A22) |
Technological Development & Innovation
On Fintech
There is no free lunch: An example from the Faster Payment System (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (23 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A23) |
Fintech: Don’t forget the original intention of the Linked Exchange Rate System (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (20 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18) |
Myths relating to traditional and virtual banks (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
Fintech plans require return to basics: What is it for?  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 March 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 12) |
Electronic payments need updating while the mobile wallet business is growing (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 March 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29) |
The relationship between the Faster Payment System and the Linked Exchange Rate System (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
Hard test of wisdom for both the government and the people in the information age (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A15) |
Full situational awareness is needed when the technological gap between China and the United States remains large (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A32) |
How to remedy the low rate of commercialization of scientific research findings in Hong Kong? (in Chinese)  |
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (20 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26) |
Environmental Planning & Sustainability
On Land Supply
Citizens of the New Territories North District hold polarized views on the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (24 March 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B11) |
Concerns over the Lantau Tomorrow Vision stem from political distrust (in Chinese)  |
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (31 May 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31) |
Land development: Not in my backyard or class conflict? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15) |
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: “Dumping money into the sea” x “Turning sand into gold?” (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (9 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21) |
Land supply: A youth perspective (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (5 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13) |
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: Dumping money into the sea or turning sand into gold? (in Chinese) |
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 March 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A18) |
Do activists truly support developing brownfield sites? (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (7 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A7) |
Achieving the future vision of Hong Kong: After the big debate on land supply (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (26 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19) |
Common misunderstandings of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (6 December 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A20) |
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: An excellent and cost-effective choice (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* & Richard Y. C. Wong (30 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19) |
Is the plan for a man-made island under the Lantau Tomorrow Vision bound to fail? (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (11 October 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A13) |
Reclaiming land from the sea: Building houses or nurturing our city and people? (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (8 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19) |
Is equality, not shortage, the only problem with land and housing in Hong Kong? (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (2 August 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A14) |
The myth of a land and housing shortage (in Chinese)  |
By Yun-wing Sung* (21 June 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A17) |
People-centred public-private partnerships in land development (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (7 June 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24) |
Carefully consider the land supply options (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 May 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17) |
Hong Kong lacks strategic planning, not land (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (18 April 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27) |
Hong Kong needs principles-based urban renewal (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (8 July 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24) |
“Homes for Mainlanders” is the opposition’s wildcard (in Chinese) |
By Yun-wing Sung* (9 May 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A15) |
The greatest aspiration in urban planning: Human health (in Chinese)  |
By Mee-kam Ng* (31 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B7) |
Can imposing levies really reduce waste? (in Chinese)  |
By Hua Guo, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (15 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |
Government rents for private recreational clubs should not be regarded as compensation for loss of opportunity (in Chinese)  |
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (5 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12) |