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Commentaries and Others
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* Policy Research @ HKIAPS member
National Strategy & Implementation

Belt & Road
  Bay Area  
“One Country,
Two Systems”

On Belt and Road Initiative

A review of the global competitiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (30/31 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
A bounty of benefits, thanks to “BRI factor”   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (20 February 2019, China Daily, Global edition, pp. 1, 3)
Five-year review of the Belt and Road Initiative: Analysis of infrastructure (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Unleash the competitiveness of the Belt and Road Initiative and put into full play Hong Kong’s advantages in finance (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (3 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A25)
History offers a lesson for critics of new rail link   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 September 2018, South China Morning Post, p. A11)
Cancellation of the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur High Speed Rail sends China’s railway diplomacy down the wrong track (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Yik-tung Yu (5 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24)
Non-financial factors in the competition over high-speed rail between China and Japan (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Yik-tung Yu (11 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26)
The United States will be the greatest concern of the Belt and Road Initiative in the next five years (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A20)
On China’s Foreign Affairs

The Sino-US “New Cold War”: Challenges and opportunities for Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (23 May 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A13)
Is the US strategy for China a suboptimal choice? (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (18 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A34)
Traps will be stopped by the wise: The right path for Sino-US relations (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (12 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A25)
From the “yellow peril discourse” of a century ago to the “China threat discourse” of today (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (23 November 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33)
On Greater Bay Area

Developing the innovation and technology industry will gain the support of the people (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B16)
Supplementary suggestions on the blueprint in the Policy Address for the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (10 January 2023, Master Insights)
Practical suggestions on a blueprint for the development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (3 January 2023, Master Insights)
Workable Suggestions on the Blueprint for the Development of the Chinese Medicine Industry (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (3 November 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Comments on the Blueprint for the Development of the Chinese Medicine Industry Laid Out in the Policy Address (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (25 October 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A20)
For migrant workers in Guangdong and Hong Kong many are over-qualified for their jobs (in Chinese)   
By Dongshu Ou* (4 August 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Establishing an integrity system to strengthen Chinese medicine brands in Hong Kong and the Mainland (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (29 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
“Removing barriers” to establishing factory regulations and registering pharmaceutical products (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (28 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Overcoming the bottlenecks of Hong Kong’s integration into the GBA (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (6 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Reflections on Hong Kong’s integration into the GBA: Constraints and breakthroughs (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (5 July 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Visualizing entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area: Think again and imagine the future (in Chinese)
By Kevin Au & Sally K. W. Lo* (22 June 2022, HK01)
Innovation and technology development and university collaboration in the Bay area: Challenges and support (in Chinese)
By Fanny M. Cheung* & Sally K. W. Lo* (23 May 2022, HK01)
The public broadly recognizes the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area; the shutdowns are hindering them from exploring prospects there (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (17 February 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10)
Smart sustainable development 1: Visions and implementation-driven efforts towards smart sustainability in Shenzhen (in Chinese)
By Mee-kam Ng* & Yuanzhou Tang (23 March 2022, HK01)
Smart sustainable development 2: Shenzhen becoming China's 'Silicon Valley' and its implications for Hong Kong (in Chinese)
By Mee-kam Ng* & Yuanzhou Tang (23 March 2022, HK01)
Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area: The attitudes of and the way out for Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 48, pp. 46–49)
The characteristics and functions of Hong Kong in the Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)   
By Jianfa Shen* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 47, pp. 66–69)
Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: An analysis of the opinions of Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Hua Guo* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 45, pp. 18–23)
Hong Kong youth become positive about moving to the Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (8 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Cooperation coexists with competition in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (in Chinese)   
By Jianfa Shen* (13 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22)
The development of the Greater Bay Area will not affect “One Country, Two Systems” (in Chinese)   
By Jianfa Shen* (7 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A25)
Challenging move   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (30 May 2018, South China Morning Post, p. A11)
On National Identity

Identity politics has become an important card in future voter mobilization efforts (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (21 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19)
Local-born voters are more likely to identify with localist groups (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (1/2 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A12)
A sense of belonging to the local community is not the source of generational differences (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (21 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A23)
Reviewing the national identity of Hong Kong people from the historical experience of the Imperial Examination System (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (28 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33)
On “One Country, Two Systems”

Will the declining proportion of new young voters benefit the pro-establishment camp in the long run? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (28 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A16)
The younger that immigrants are when they migrate to Hong Kong, the closer their votes are to those of local-born people (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (15/16 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A12)
Are post-1997 immigrants from mainland China more inclined towards the pro-establishment camp? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (8/9 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A14)
The deterrence of and awe for the Hong Kong National Security Law (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (5 August 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08)
Will voters take into account the overall situation and vote less sincerely? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (24 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A18)
Does a voter’s political position dominate his/her voting intention? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (17 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19)
Legislative Council election: How do political parties establish strongholds? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Victor Zheng, & Po-san Wan* (10 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24)
The chance of the non-pro-establishment camp winning more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council election (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (24 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08)
The deterrence posed by the Hong Kong National Security Law (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (10 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08)
Leaving or staying is not simply a political consideration (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (30/31 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
The function of the Legislative Council in political discussions has retreated (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (5 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
The civil war of the wujian inferno: North Ireland’s yesterday, Hong Kong’s tomorrow? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (7 October 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
There is cross-sector consensus in Hong Kong on the practical continuation of “One Country, Two Systems” (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (1 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A15)
Measuring the social development achievements of Hong Kong: Commemorating the 29th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (30 April 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27)
People’s worries about “One Country, Two Systems” revealed in a survey (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A15)
Enacting Article 23 of the Basic Law from the perspective of national security (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (14 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31)
On Regional Integration

A locals-first policy can alleviate Mainland-Hong Kong conflicts (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (14 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A9)
A conjecture on reunification with Taiwan in 5 to 10 years (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (1 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A34)

Sociodemographic Change & Wellbeing

Education  Gender  Governance  Health   Housing  Migration &
Social Security
& Welfare
Transport   Youth  

On Education

Population Education and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
Nurturing STEM talents from K-12 (in Chinese)   
By Thomas Chiu* & Sally K. W. Lo* (1 April 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Online learning: Rethinking true excellence (in Chinese)   
By Thomas Chiu & Huimin Liu* (22 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Where do you come from, where do you go? Assessing skills gaps and labour market outcomes of young adults with different immigration backgrounds
By Alison Cathles, Dongshu Ou*, Simone Sasso, Mary Setrana, & Tom van Veen
(2018, CESifo Working Paper No. 7157, Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute, Munich)
On Gender

Sexual harassment: Male fear of false accusations? (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (8 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
On Governance

Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (6): Attracting talent, retaining talent, and sustainable development (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (5): Who is responsible for research and development? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (6 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (4): What is the salary? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (2 August 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (3): Who is taking the lead? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (23 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (2): Reviewing the retention of talents based on numbers (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (16 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Twenty years of finding talent through trial and error (1): A turning point in immigration policy (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (10 July 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
The Decline in Political Interest among Hong Kong People is a Cross-political Spectrum Phenomenon (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (12 October 2023, Ming Pao, p. B8)
Increasing Civic Political Trust and a Weakening Trend of Politicization (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (15 August 2023, Ming Pao, p. B10)
Political party support slumps, a rethinking of roles is needed (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (6 September 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Listen and respond to public opinion, strengthen public trust in the government (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (26 August 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A26)
Recommencing from the “middle” (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (21 September 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9)
Can ‘Hong Kong Vision’ win people’s heart? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (21 July 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
The current social peace is superficial—the political spectrum is in flux (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (21 May 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B13)
Vaccination will be a critical battle for the Government to win back public trust (in Chinese)   
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng (5 February 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30)
Dissatisfaction toward livelihood policies in the Policy Address is common across all political sectors (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (5 January 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B8)
Opinions are divided on Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cooperation (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (15 December 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9)
The pandemic is spreading and society is becoming peaceful? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (17 April 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10)
Those who are most affected by “laam chow” are ultimately the grassroots (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (25 February 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08)
Review risk management and rethink the gains and losses from the anti-pandemic actions (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22/23 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
The coronavirus ravages; the HKSAR government missed a timely opportunity and failed to take advantage of “two systems” (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Common ground needs to be sought for legislation, while reserving differences, and changes should not be separated from their origin (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1/2 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
An analysis of public opinions on the 2018 policy address (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng*, Kevin Wong, & Hua Guo* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 43, pp. 26–29)
Political consensus, consensus on policy, and consensus on scrutiny are vital for legislation (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1/2 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
De-radicalization and the rise of moderate politics (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (1 April 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22)
The Individual Visit Scheme has weakened the public’s satisfaction with the HKSAR Government (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (14 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
The inextricable mess of the Shatin to Central Link (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
The development of political centrism under Carrie Lam’s administration (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Ray Poon (2018, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 41, pp. 56–59)
Traffic chaos on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Faster Payment System fraud stem from bureaucratic thinking (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24)
The policy address does not have youth support (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (20 November 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27)
It is necessary to set up long-term public policy institutes in Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* (2018, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 39, pp. 66–71)
On Health

Possible COVID scenarios following the resumption of normal traveller clearance between Hong Kong and the Mainland (in Chinese)   
By Jianfa Shen* (3 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06)
A Rational Analysis of “Co-Existence with the Virus” and the “Lying Flat” Trend (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (10 November 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21)
The key to increasing the vaccination rate is understanding the reasons for citizen reluctance (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (17 August 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10)
No delay to prevent mental health crisis of Hong Kong youth (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung*, Po-lin Sung Chan, Ka-wai Yuen, & Chung-hin Wong (19 July 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Vaccination will bring rebirth to our economy (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 July 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A16)
How to persuade those reluctant to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to change their minds? (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (2 July 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B14)
Personal and social considerations regarding vaccination: Material rewards are not effective incentives (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (8 June 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12)
Burnout, the unspeakable pain of employees (in Chinese)   
By Fanny M. Cheung* & Huimin Liu* (19 May 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Why has it been difficult to popularize “LeaveHomeSafe”? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (29 April 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B7)
Challenges carers face intensifying during the COVID-19 pandemic (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (14 April 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
The critical moment in the imposition of the lockdown (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (30 March 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B9)
Older but wiser: A closer look at how the elderly handle pandemic stress (in Chinese)   
By Helene H. L. Fung & Huimin Liu* (8 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Everything you need to know about vaccine hesitancy (in Chinese)   
By Kin-on Kwok* & Huimin Liu* (9 February 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Winning the COVID lies on making right and timely decision (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 February 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Four major directions on low-cost improvements to public toilet hygiene (in Chinese)   
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (18 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22)
Creative methods to “nudge” the public on proper ways to use public toilets (in Chinese)   
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (12 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
A focus on hardware renovation led to the failure of Hong Kong’s public toilet policy (in Chinese)   
By Fanny M. Cheung*, Yuk-sik Chong*, Victor Zheng*, & Po-san Wan* (4 November 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21)
If I die because of COVID-19 (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (14 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Talking about life and death with carers during the pandemic (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (3 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
The “rally ’round the flag effect” under the COVID-19 pandemic (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (8 June 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06)
Taking personal action against the pandemic is not a political statement (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (11 May 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06)
On Housing

There is no need to send the demand for youth home ownership into overdrive (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 March 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B11)
Addressing the disparity between the rich and the poor, begins with housing (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (23 December 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12)
Rent controls might not be effective; the fundamental remedy is to increase housing supply (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Kevin Wong (23 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A19)
“No housing speculation” and the “watering down" of property taxes (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (2 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
Interest rates have not been raised and house prices have not dropped in the past decade (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (31 March 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
A mismatch between demand and supply, rising property prices, and doubts about public support for policies on the residential property market (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
There is public support for increasing the loan-to-value ratio (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng*, Hua Guo*, & Kevin Wong (26 February 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A31)
A jackdaw in peacock’s feathers: Adjusting the ratio of public-private flats in Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A20)
Old wine in a new bottle: The policy address has not solved the difficulties of home ownership (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A22)
It is better to loosen up the secondary housing market rather than to learn strenuously from Singapore (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 September 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A24)
Success of HK housing policies hinges on market segregation   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 August 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 08)
Are the new housing initiatives a breakthrough for Hong Kong people’s dream of home ownership? A lesson from Singapore (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (3 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
An unconventional view of Carrie Lam’s housing initiative (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (27 July 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
New resale restrictions on HOS flats turns them into a futures product (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (24 July 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
How to solve the housing problem? Public and private options (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 July 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Rethinking the pros and cons of the vacant flats tax (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
Affordability, not land, at root of housing crisis   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (4 May 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 12)
Levying a tax on vacant flats is putting the cart before the horse (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Support first-time home buyers by providing extra funding for down payments (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (27 February 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Help people to acquire a home by relaxing mortgage insurance rules (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (26 February 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Government meddling in the property sector must stop   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 February 2018, South China Morning Post, p. B10)
It’s time to activate the secondary housing market (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A28)
The way to rebuild a progressive housing ladder (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6/7 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
On Migration and Population

Creating A Livable City is the Way to Attract Talent (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (11 November 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B13)
Young and middle-aged economically active persons consider emigrating (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (7 October 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B09)
The attitudes of local residents towards new immigrants and the underlying causes (in Chinese)   
By Yuying Tong* & Niantao Jiang (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 46, pp. 58–65)
The sense that localist groups have of belonging to the local community is not very strong; rather, they have plans to emigrate (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (17 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19)
New challenges from changing demographics: The generation of no siblings (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (19 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A23)
On Social Problem

Lowering property prices can help to alleviate wealth inequality in Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (3 July 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B07)
Is motherhood a disgrace? Working mothers still face discrimination (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (25 March 2022, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Where there is a will, there is justice (in Chinese)   
By Roger Chung & Huimin Liu* (27 April 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
Inequality and disparity in Hong Kong (video)   
By Fanny M. Cheung* (25 November 2020, Bloomberg)
Social divisions in Hong Kong: Problems and reflections (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng*, Po-san Wan*, & Kevin Wong (14 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Intergenerational relationships are an important perspective from which to analyse social phenomena (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (1/2 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Are Hong Kong teenagers addicted to social media? (Part 2) (in Chinese)   
By Esther S. C. Ho* & Anthony Fung* (25/26 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. C4)
Are Hong Kong teenagers addicted to social media? (Part 1) (in Chinese)   
By Esther S. C. Ho* & Anthony Fung* (11/12 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. C4)
Bystander to domestic violence: From good boy to grumpy man (in Chinese)   
By Ching-man Lam* & Elaine Y. L. Woo (15 January 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. D02)
On Social Security and Social Welfare

Developing the innovation Industry is also about opening up people’s hearts and minds (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (13 January 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B16)
Long-term care provision is more than a family affair (in Chinese)   
By Sally K. W. Lo* (29 October 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22)
The annual budget is ineffective at addressing rapid changes in society (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng*, and Roger Luk (21 March 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
Candies before bitter pills? Do not covet the tax deductions for annuity premiums and MPF contributions (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Why is the label of social welfare important and what are the solutions to such labelling? (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (7 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31)
The government needs exercise foresight on the issue of extending the statutory maternity leave period (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (29 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A20)
Is the dispute over a universal retirement protection system over? The impact of a Higher Old Age Living Allowance (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (26 October 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A33)
Generational differences in the controversy over paternity leave (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (28 September 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A32)
A comparison of the Central Provident Fund and MPF on poverty alleviation and provision for the aged (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (31 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30)
The annuity plan gets short shrift as expected (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo & Victor Zheng* (22 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19)
Myths and facts about the MPF (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18/19 August 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Myths and facts about the HKMC Annuity Plan (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11/12 August 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
On Transport

E-hailing is not the solution to taxi service problems (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 January 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A25)
On Youth

Reintegration for young offenders in anti-extradition protest (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung*, M. Zhang, & Hiu-fai Mak (2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
An analysis of the problem of high anxiety and low happiness among Hong Kong teenagers (in Chinese)   
By Esther S. C. Ho* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 47, pp. 48–55)
A follow-up study on the sense of hope of Hong Kong adolescents (in Chinese)   
By Esther S. C. Ho* (2019, Bauhinia Tribune, Vol. 44, pp. 8–13)

Economic Growth & Distribution

    Chinese Medicine     Economic Development & Distribution     Finance & Currency              Others              

On Chinese Medicine

Tapping TCM strengths on a global scale   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (6 March 2019, China Daily, Global edition, pp. 1, 3)
The strategy for the internationalization of Chinese medicine is to drive the ASEAN market from Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (21 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Inspiration from Hong Kong-US cooperation on the standardization of Chinese medicine (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (8 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Hong Kong should capitalize on its advantages in the branding of Chinese medicine and should embrace regional economic integration (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (25/26 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A11)
Hong Kong’s Chinese medicine beats the competition from Western Chinese medicine in the Mainland China market (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (19 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A22)
Can Hong Kong’s Chinese medicine industry keep developing? (in Chinese)   
By Yuk-sik Chong* & Victor Zheng* (11 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
On Economic Development and Distribution

Comprehensive Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Capital Flows and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (3 October 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Economic Transformation and the Past, Present, and Future of Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (26 September 2023, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
The idea that “young people have better opportunities for upward mobility” is only the view of the older generation (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (15 May 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B10)
Explaining the poverty line and the poverty situation in Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (11 April 2023, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B06)
The consumption voucher scheme is “better than nothing”. What lies ahead for Hong Kong’s economy? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo*, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (3 August 2021, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B12)
The unemployment rate lags: How to prescribe the right medicine? (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 October 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
A new economy to come: Europe and the U.S. make efforts while Hong Kong is still in the mist (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 September 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
A travel bubble will save the economy (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (10 September 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B08)
Industries in dire straits: Rescue efforts need to be more targeted (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (31 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Is the loss of foreign investment real or unreal? (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
An untypical recession and an untraditional recovery (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 July 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
A total border lockdown hinders the economy: Variables in economic recovery (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (22 May 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Strict anti-pandemic measures have led to an economic downturn and fiscal deficits are a long way from being eliminated (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (21 April 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
An analysis of the sources of confirmed cases in Hong Kong: The effectiveness of a total border lockdown is limited (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
The lockdown of the Macao border is far less stringent than that of the Hong Kong border: A total border lockdown is not the key factor in the fight against the pandemic (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (24 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A16)
The impact on and reflections of British and American outliers in the era of globalization (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 February 2020, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B09)
Economic co-prosperity circle: Five major conditions (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (14 January 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
On how to measure poverty in Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
Chack-kie Wong* (15 February 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27)
The relationship between social expenditure, economic competitiveness, and social cohesion (in Chinese)   
Chack-kie Wong* (4 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
From the Gini coefficient warning line and the French yellow vest movement to Hong Kong’s land policy (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (21 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A28)
The problem of poverty and wealth disparities in Hong Kong: A comparative perspective of the poverty line (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (17 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A30)
Beware of galloping populism, budget giveaways are addictive (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (5 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
On Finance and Currency

A digital currency prevails and Hong Kong has missed an opportunity (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (24 August 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
The Sino-U.S. split: The Hong Kong linked exchange rate system has been put on trial (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 June 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
On the Cash Payout Scheme (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (10 March 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A14)
Save the people’s livelihood by spreading money around, but also manage chaos and stabilize finances (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 February 2020, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Credit rating systems should be flexible (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 June 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A23)
Interest margins and the inflow of hot money between Hong Kong and the United States (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (12 March 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Should Hong Kong continue pegging its currency to the US dollar? (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (25 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26)
Making the difficult choice between blue chips and red chips: The stock index and the individual share (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (2 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
A decade of structural distortions in HKD interest rates (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28/29 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
The structural distortion in HKD interest rates is unconnected with the strength or weakness of the exchange rate (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (27 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21)
Avoid adopting a piecemeal approach to financial regulation (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (6 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)

How to understand Singapore’s leadership handover mode? (in Chinese)   
By Chack-kie Wong* (21 May 2024, Ming Pao, p.B11)
Generating and accumulating wealth: Developing Hong Kong as global centre for charitable foundation (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* (12 April 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15)
Reflections on the “George Tan Soon-gin Phenomenon” (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* (9 April 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A14)
Building Hong Kong into a global centre for charitable foundations (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng (27 March 2024, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15)
Debunking the claim of a year-by-year decrease in male labor force participation (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (28 September 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A20)
How Airbnb survived and thrived during the pandemic (in Chinese)   
By Maggie R. Hu* & Huimin Liu* (18 January 2021, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p.A15)
The life experiences of the legendary tycoon Stanley Ho summarized in 10 points (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* (1 June 2020, Yazhou Zhoukan, Vol. 22, pp. 32–33)
The Individual Visit Scheme has weakened the public’s satisfaction with the HKSAR Government (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo, & Victor Zheng* (14 March 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
The model of government supervision and merchant management and its problems (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (29 January 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
The sharing economy: One man’s meat is another man’s poison (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (18 September 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Policy for promoting MSMEs modernization towards industry 4.0 in Hong Kong, China   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Michael C. M. Leung (2018, CUHK–APEC Study Centre Working Paper Series No. 02, APEC Study Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
The trading of flight slots in mainland China: The policy implications for Hong Kong (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* (12 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21)
Handing out candies is unnecessary with no pressure on imported inflation (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (8 March 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A22)

Technological Development & Innovation

On Fintech

There is no free lunch: An example from the Faster Payment System (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (23 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A23)
Fintech: Don’t forget the original intention of the Linked Exchange Rate System (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (20 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A18)
Myths relating to traditional and virtual banks (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (11 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
Fintech plans require return to basics: What is it for?   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 March 2018, China Daily, Hong Kong edition, p. 12)
Electronic payments need updating while the mobile wallet business is growing (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 March 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A29)
The relationship between the Faster Payment System and the Linked Exchange Rate System (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (16 January 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)

Hard test of wisdom for both the government and the people in the information age (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (1 May 2019, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A15)
Full situational awareness is needed when the technological gap between China and the United States remains large (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (17 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A32)
How to remedy the low rate of commercialization of scientific research findings in Hong Kong? (in Chinese)   
By Cheung-kwok Law* & Aric Edbert Chan (20 June 2018, Hong Kong Economic Times, p. A26)

Environmental Planning & Sustainability

On Land Supply

Citizens of the New Territories North District hold polarized views on the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong & Victor Zheng* (24 March 2022, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B11)
Concerns over the Lantau Tomorrow Vision stem from political distrust (in Chinese)   
By Kevin Wong, Hua Guo*, & Victor Zheng* (31 May 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A31)
Land development: Not in my backyard or class conflict? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (24 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A15)
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: “Dumping money into the sea” x “Turning sand into gold?” (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (9 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A21)
Land supply: A youth perspective (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo* & Victor Zheng* (5 April 2019, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A13)
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: Dumping money into the sea or turning sand into gold? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (28 March 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A18)
Do activists truly support developing brownfield sites? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (7 February 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A7)
Achieving the future vision of Hong Kong: After the big debate on land supply (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (26 January 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19)
Common misunderstandings of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (6 December 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A20)
The Lantau Tomorrow Vision: An excellent and cost-effective choice (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* & Richard Y. C. Wong (30 October 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A19)
Is the plan for a man-made island under the Lantau Tomorrow Vision bound to fail? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (11 October 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A13)
Reclaiming land from the sea: Building houses or nurturing our city and people? (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (8 August 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A19)
Is equality, not shortage, the only problem with land and housing in Hong Kong? (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (2 August 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A14)
The myth of a land and housing shortage (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (21 June 2018, Sing Tao Daily, p. A17)
People-centred public-private partnerships in land development (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (7 June 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24)
Carefully consider the land supply options (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (15 May 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A17)
Hong Kong lacks strategic planning, not land (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (18 April 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A27)

Hong Kong needs principles-based urban renewal (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (8 July 2019, Ming Pao Daily News, p. A24)
“Homes for Mainlanders” is the opposition’s wildcard (in Chinese)   
By Yun-wing Sung* (9 May 2019, Sing Tao Daily, p. A15)
The greatest aspiration in urban planning: Human health (in Chinese)   
By Mee-kam Ng* (31 December 2018, Ming Pao Daily News, p. B7)
Can imposing levies really reduce waste? (in Chinese)   
By Hua Guo, Kevin Wong, & Victor Zheng* (15 December 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
Government rents for private recreational clubs should not be regarded as compensation for loss of opportunity (in Chinese)   
By Victor Zheng* & Roger Luk (5 April 2018, Hong Kong Economic Journal, p. A12)
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