Close to 500 experts from 20 countries attended the 4th International UICC (International Union Against Cancer) Symposium on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) held in conjunction with the 8th Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute 'UICC NPC Workshop 2003' ─ from 14th to 16th February 2003 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The three-day symposium was sponsored by the Hong Kong College of Radiologists with representatives from all the five major cancer centres in Hong Kong.
The aim of the symposium was to bring together internationally renowned basic scientists and clinicians to focus upon the recent developments in NPC research and clinical management. The pivotal contributions of CUHK researchers in basic, translational and clinical areas were highlighted enabling further collaborations with international and mainland experts in this disease, which is prevalent in southern China. Prof. Sir Anthony Epstein, discoverer of the Epstein-Barr virus, delivered the opening Kadoorie Charitable Foundation Lecture entitled 'The Oncogenic γ-Herpesviruses'. A wide range of topics were discussed at the meeting, including the Epstein-Barr virus and NPC, molecular pathogenesis and molecular monitorings, diagnostic imaging, IMRT and boost techniques, and chemoradiation strategies.
Officiating at the opening ceremony
the workshop were Dr. E.K. Yeoh,
Secretary for Health, Welfare and
Food of the HKSAR government; Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor of the University; Dr. Lilian Leong, president of the Hong Kong College of
Radiologists; and Dr. Brian O'Sullivan, Princess Margaret Hospital at the University of Toronto, who was also representative
of the UICC.