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B.A. (1971) Univeristy of Western Ontario
Ph. D. (1 980) University of Hong Kong

Research Interests: Skin Neuroendocrine (Merkel) Cell

Research Interests: Skin Neuroendocrine (Merkel) Cell

My research area includes the structural and immunocytochemical studies of cutaneous sensory receptors and the surrounding tissue of the skin. Particular attention has been paid onto the neuroendocrine (Merkel) cells of the mammalian skin.

The skin neuroendocrine cells are closely associated with nerve terminals. These cells were named after Frederick Sigmund Merkel more than a century ago. Merkel cells have now been identified in the skin of fish, amphibian, reptilian, avian, and mammalian species. The precise roles of skin Merkel cells remain unclear. Given the ultrastructural demonstration of neuro-secretory granules in Merkel cells, they are thought to produce chemical substances which may affect the associated sensory fibres. The content of these secretory granules therefore plays a significant role on the function of these cells. We have recently localised, by EM immunogold methods different neuropeptides in association with the dense-core granules of Merkel cells of different mammalian species, indicating species variability in the expression of neuropeptide by skin neuroendocrine cells.

Experimental approaches employed in my laboratory include the study of Merkel cells from different animal species and also at different developmental stages. The techniques involve light microscopic and electron microscopic immunolabelling using mono- or poly-clonal antibodies. Future advance to molecular level by using in-situ hybridization technique will be attempted.

Selected Publications:

* Baumann, K.I., Cheng-Chew, S. B., Hamann, W. and Leung, M.S. (1986)Responsiveness and ultrastructure of slowly adapting type I cutaneous riiechanoreceptors in vit. A-deficient rats. J Physiol. 371: 339-349.

* Baumann, K.I., Cheng-Chew, S.B., Hainann, W. and Leung, M.S. (1987) Responsiveness of S.A.1 receptors in degenerative skin conditions and ageing in the rat and the cat. In: Effects of injury on trigeminal and spinal somatosensory systems, Alan R. Liss, Inc.m 1987, pp.29-36.

* Cheng-Chew, S.B. and Leung, P.Y. (1991) Immunocytochemical evidence of a met-enkephalin-like substance in the dense-core granules of mouse Merkel cells. Cell Tissue Res. 265: 611-614.

* Cheng-Chew, S.B. and Leung, P.Y. (1992) Species variability in the expression of met- and leu- enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in Merkel cell dense-core granules: a light and electron-microscopic im- munohistochemical study. Cell Tissue Res. 269: 345-351.

* Cheng-Chew, S.B. and Leung, P.Y. (1993) CGRP-immunoreactive Merkel cell and nonmyelinated nerve plexuse in dog skin. NeuroReport 4(4): 457-459.

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