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YUNG, Wing Ho

Associate Professor

B.Sc. (1985) Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil. (1987) Chinese University of Hong Kong
D.Phil. (1990) University of Oxford

Research Interests: Cellular Neurophysiology / Synaptic Transmission

Research Interests: Cellular Neurophysiology / Synaptic Transmission

The neurones in the midbrain substantia nigra of the basal ganglia circuit are important in the control of movement, as evidenced by their involvement in degenerative motor diseases and epileptic seizures. We are interested in understanding how the intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic inputs are affecting the activities of these neurones. Techniques applied include sharp and patch recordings from brain slices combined with intracellular labelling, immunohistochemistry and computer simulations.

I am also interested in investigating whether the Merkel cells of the cutaneous slowly adapting type I touch receptors function as the mechano-electric transducer and communicate with the sensory nerve terminals through a chemical synapse. In answering this question, both electrophysiological and microfluorometric techniques are employed.

Selected Publications:

* M.A. Häusser & W.H.Yung (1994). Inhibitory synaptic potentials in guinea-pig substantia nigra dopamine neurones in vitro. J. Physiol. 479, 401-422.

* E. Chan, W.H.Yung & K.I. Baumann (1996). Cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels in Merkel cells of an isolated rat sinus hair preparation. Exp. Brain. Res. 108, 357-366.

* C.W. Wu, K.S. Leung & W.H. Yung (1996). Sulphonylureas reverse hypoxia-induced potassium conductance increase in rat substantia nigra pars reticulata. Neuroreport, 7, 2513-2517.

* G.L. Ye, A.C.O.Tse & W.H.Yung (1997). Taurine inhibits rat substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons by activation of GABA- and glycine-linked chloride conductance. Brain Res. 749, 175-179.

* G.L. Ye, C.K.S. Leung & W.H.Yung (1997). Pre-synaptic effect of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener diazoxide on rat substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons. Brain Res. 753, 1-7.

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