Over 500 scientists join Gordon Research Conferences 2017 at CUHK


Over the past six years, the Office of Academic Links at CUHK has served as the host for 21 Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) meetings and four Gordon Research Seminars on campus. In 2017, four GRC meetings were held during 11 June–7 July at CUHK. Over 500 participants from around the world with common research interests were brought together at CUHK for intense discussions and examinations of frontier research in four topics. Among the four GRC meetings, two meetings were co-chaired by CUHK faculty members respectively, namely ‘Cognitive Dysfunction in Brain Diseases’ by Prof. Linda Lam, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, and ‘Quantum Sensing’ by Prof. Renbao Liu, Professor, Department of Physics. The other two meetings were on ‘Germinal Stem Cell Biology’ and ‘Plasmonically-Powered Processes’.


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