The Hong Kong Observatory's special alert on prolonged heat
16 Jul 2022
Service enhancement by the HKO to issue a new special alert on prolonged heat
Further to the upgrade of precautionary actions associated with the Very Hot Weather Warning last year, the Hong Kong Observatory took its service one step further. When high temperatures persist, the Observatory will push a new “Special Weather Tips” through the “MyObservatory” mobile app to alert the public for taking precautionary measures appropriate to their own conditions, e.g. sufficient water intake, taking rest, seeking help or medical advice. The same alerting message will also be promulgated on the website of the Observatory. This new alert service is in reponse to our recommendation to the HKO according to our latest findings.
Research studies and findings about prolonged hot weather and associated health risks
Our project team has been studying prolonged heat and associated health risks since 2017. The study findings in 2017 revealed that the mortality rate on the day and the next day with five consecutive hot nights was 11% higher than normal days. At least five very hot days and five hot nights within one week even induced severe increase of 15.61 in the mortality rate. The team has then continuted to analyse diffrent patterns of extreme hot weather and their assoicated health risks using 10-year data. The research findings in 2019 showed that the elderly are more vulnerable to extreme heat. In addition, consecutive hot nights impose even higher risk than very hot weather in daytime, of which five consecutive hot nights are most dangerous.
Based on our scientific findings, our project team has earlier recommended the HKO to improve the weather forecasting system, with a focus on the prolonged extreme heat and hot nights. It can help raise public awareness of extreme hot weather, and better preparation and adaptation for such weather conditions. The service enhancement also benefits to other governement departments and NGOs to take precautionary planning and measures to improve their supporting servies to help people in need.
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