Team members updated tasks' progress and planned activities/output for the conclusion of project completion.
Introduced the impacts of extreme hot weather and mitigation tips to the elderly in the four public talks organised by the district elderly community centres or neighbourhood elderly centres.
Updated task progress of each task.
According to our study results on extreme heat and associated health risks, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has now introduced a special alert on prolonged heat to better suit the health needs of senior citizens and persons with chronic medical conditions.
Dr Patsy Chau has organised two online roundtable sessions for the stakeholders of elderly community centres to discuss strategies in assisting older adults to adapt to extreme hot weather.
A leaflet concerning mitigation recommendations to NGOs and elderly center stakeholders has been published to summarise the discussions.
Team members updated tasks' progress and discussed the planned activities for this summer, such as community outreach and publicity.
Due to the experience sampling studies and field measurements were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the project team was approved to extend the project completion date to 23 June 2023.
Team members introduced tasks' progress and initial findings and further discussed how to integrate and further the collaborations between different tasks.
A video series on extreme hot weather and senior health is produced for education and publicity. Possible mitigation tips are provided. We hope to raise public awareness and prepardness of extreme heat, and take extra care of senior citizens during hot weather.
Video IntroductionBased on our study results on extreme heat and associated health risks, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has informed the related stakeholders (including SCHSA and different government departments) of the future trend of prolonged heat concerns in Hong Kong and potential health impacts. To respond to the recent study findings and social needs, HKO has already enhanced the precautions associated with the Very Hot Weather Warning to better suit the health needs of senior citizens and persons with chronic medical conditions.
Press release issued by HKO
A total of nine focus groups were conducted in two residential estates in Tai Po District.
Among them, one was conducted with representatives of local NGOs and District Council members in order to achieve better understandings in the decision-making and care-giving aspect of the local context.
The team has completed and summarised the analysis of the focus group interviews and published a journal paper.
View the summary of findings
View the journal paper
A promotional video is produced to enourage the stakeholders better prepare for extreme heat, especially for senior citizens.
Watch Video on YouTubeIntroduced the impacts of extreme hot weather and mitigation tips in the live webinar organised by the NT West Elder Academies Cluster.
Watch Video on YoutubeTeam representatives gave an online presentation about our project progress to RGC readers.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, daily life assessment and community talks were disrupted. Confirmed to produce video series for knowledge dissemination to replace community talks.
Key suggestions: 1) Consider using "harmony" block housing type, and add some new common design features of private residential building in the simulation. 2) Adopt predicted mean vote(PMV)-based evaluation approach.
Confirmed to use the MPI-ESMI-2-HAM model based on CMIP6 processing to drive the downscaling. The 10-year simulation for the period from 2040 to 2050 is in progress.
New findings on the health impact and spatial pattern of extreme hot weather in Hong Kong were introduced in the online press conference. The health impacts of HOT NIGHT were emphasised to raise public awareness.
View Event DetailsIntroduced the impact of extreme hot weather and possible mitigation tips to the elderly in the live webinar organised by Caritas Hong Kong Services for the Elderly.
Updated task progress of each task.
This RIF project has officially started.